Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Village] Thiil {Peaceful region}

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Username: happythecreeper
Character name: Rain Sorrows
RP Job your characters have: Taking care of the stables/horses ?

This is a really nice town


Lord of Altera
Username: Lemarc
Character name: Lemarc Duggan
RP Job your character have: He's some kind of jack of all trades, while his specialties are sailing and navigation (Meaning he could help with delivering courier, even over-sea), he also knows a fair bit about fishing and while he's not the best at it, he also knows a descent amount about hunting (He could help gathering various meats for the residents). He also knows how to work the sugarcane and it's various trade (Mostly as making sugar, paper and rum). He also got a few small bases of farming (Enough about farming to have a small personal field that could provide a small amount of vegetable to the town), carpentry and wood working (Clearly not the best work, but he'd be able to give some kind of help with that if needed). And, finally, he have a fair amount of money stored away that could possibly help out the whole town (Such as paying for maintenance, purchasing materials and such). So... yeah, he'll find a way to be useful around there!

I know we already talked about this in game, but I just wanted to make this look a bit more official by posting this in here.
I've been interested in this place for a long time, now that I've got rid of everything that held me back, I'll more than gladly join Thiil and do all I can to make it a better place for everyone!


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Oops sorry @happysayshi I totally forgot to answer that post... if you're still interested, poke me in game and we'll have a look at where to install you :)

@Lemarc Haha no worries, you're more than welcome !


Username: sneekycrab
Character name: Crab Veraolinusk
RP Job your character have: Librarian,Scholar,Author,and Aikido master...None of this offically implemented but has the skills for them all.
Hope to see your beautiful village once again!


Legend of Altera
Username: Dayhawk
Character name: Avari
RP Job your characters have: Was a teacher at one point and a retired blacksmith but does it as a hobby now. ^^


Quick Question, if I attach some pictures of what I build to this comment, and you like them, would you allow me to build my own house if I join your town? I'm fairly picky about my house so I'd like to know if I could build my own, :)


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Character name: Athryl Mithtanil
RP Job your characters have: None at the moment- aspiring magician- would work as a Paper maker, or leather bounder. Please let me know :)


Username: SnareWLM
Character name: Silice Terraworth
Job you have / would want: Iwould like to be a lumberman and own my own lumbermill and sell it to the town and export it to other towns and cities.

Mr. Peter J. Clockwork

Loyal Servant of Altera
Username: PSCreeperKeeper
Character name: Peter J. Clockwork
RP Job your characters have: Professional Horologist and Clockmaker

I have 2 questions

1. Do we need to pay to live here? and if so, do we need to pay once or something like once a month. *Crosses fingers and chants "Please free, please free, please free"

2. Once I'm accepted, can I build my house anywhere in town and long as it won't bother anyone? Or do we need to ask no matter what?
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