Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Village] - Witches Brew


Lord of Altera
Hey there! I've been a part of the witches brew for about three weeks now, and I've got two friends interested in joining the village!
They've been helping me around the server for a while, about two of my three weeks, and I was wondering if it'd be alright to ask for their names to be added to the region?
Rest assured, they're both excellent role-players, and each offer unique stories and antics for the town!
Just in case you do chose to add them, their minecraft usernames are Michcat and THUNDAMUNKY.
By the way, i've never had the chance to thank you for adding me to the town, so, Thank you! ^_^


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Michcat here!
I just wanted to put it out there, that I am happy to answer any questions or post a RP profile... Or somesuch. If any of that is needed :)

I would be honored to be a part of Witches Brew.
(I also would like to buy a house there, if that is alright...)


Lord of Altera
Witches Brew is a resort/inn, if you do live there your either part of the workers or a staying guest.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
It was my hope for my character to be a butcher. To support an Animal Farm in my home and share the meat that is produced quite cheaply with the Guests and Residents.


Lord of Altera
Butcher, you say. That sounds neat and bad for the storing or over classy guests, I like it! Witches Brew has a fortune teller I don't the problem for a butcher. But I'm just sharing my opinion...


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
To be quite honest, my character Eminu is a extremely helpful and kind, to the point of it being annoying. Not too mention a little... dense. The type of character that would walk out to the guests with armfuls of steaming and dripping steak and hand them some with a big smile.

"Food for you!"


Sparkly purple member of the team
I'll add both to the region. :)

Zethcron, Witches brew has been growing a bit and it's not just a inn anymore. It's starting to have a nice residential zone near the palace-to-be. :)


Lord of Altera
I don't keep track of what happens and changes :p

But that sounds nice, maybe I could even build my own house some where in the back. I got the weird urge to make a tree house, my own version because I know about that weird tree to the side with a house in it. I got lost in there ;_;


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Oh, wow...

Thank you SO much!
If I may, how might I go about buying a house in residential zone? There is one I enjoy a lot and I would be happy to ICly pay funds for it.


Sparkly purple member of the team
No need to pay. If you found one that you like and it's not taken, just place a sign on the door with your name and make it yours. :)


I would love to live here in Witches Brew. I am a alchemist and wondering if there is a place for me here? My plans would to build a home for me and set up a stand/tent in the front for people to come by and use my tools, and to ask me questions for what to mix with what for potions.


Lord of Altera
I would love to live here in Witches Brew. I am a alchemist and wondering if there is a place for me here? My plans would to build a home for me and set up a stand/tent in the front for people to come by and use my tools, and to ask me questions for what to mix with what for potions.
You mean kinda like khajits in Skyrim except your not a khajit and the reason you're outside has nothing to do with mistrust or racism?

Alailanible, I was hoping I could set up my own home in the residential area. but first I would like to know the costs, if any, and limitations to building or theme to building, if any.


Sparkly purple member of the team
Quazi, I'll add you to the region and I'll assign you an area for your home/shop. Just not a tent because wool looks funky as a building material, alright? :)

Zethcron, I'l assign you an area for you to build your home in. As for building rules, they are simple:

1- Keep within the limits of your "property"
2- Don't make a house that is too tall ( see the other homes around town and you'll get the idea)
3- Keep it in the theme of the town
4- Make it pretty and cute.
5- No massive basements. You can make a small storage under your house, but nothing more that 10-12 blocks down ( You might hit the farms if you go lower)

As for costs, I give the plots freely but any donations for the town are very much appreciated. :)


Lord of Altera
Not to jump on the bandwagon, But could I perhaps adhere to racial stereotypes and develop a shop as well?
I do gather a lot of excess in my travels, and would love to barter with other role players for goods!
I'd be happy to pay for the land for a shop as well, As i've got nothing else to spend my radients on :D
Feel free to say no, though, I understand if you don't want the town overrun by merchants everywhere ._.
Not without a designated market, anyhow..