Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Vorar I challenge thee


Lord of Altera

a) Fly an SSTO (Spaceplane style) to Duna (Mechjeb permitted)
b) Land it on its wheels

Parachutes permitted


To help a bit:
Mine actually landed, however I had to activate unbreakable joints and no crash damage otherwise the parachutes would have ripped the SSTO apart.

I am thus technically stuck on a)



Lord of Altera
Way to be rude.
Not really.

One should mention that Duna is KSPs equivalaent of mars, thus the planes wings as well as the parachutes loose a lot of their efficiency, which is probably the reason the parachutes actually tore my plane apart until I used unbreakable joints.

The only really easy part is getting it there, however only within a very short transit window.

If he didn't play for month's he also missed the update where most of the parts I used here were implemented and thus would have to test how they effect flying first.