Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Vote New Spagbog!


Lord of Altera
A group of elderly men and woman sit round a bingo table, discussing the events of last night's "Who Wants to be an Immigrant?"

"Television nowadays is so violent!" Says one. "If I were in charge I would make sure that only nice channels were showed, like gardening shows and that nice looking bloke from NSTV."

"And that awful music they listen to. We should make all radio Classical music, the good stuff." Exclaims another.

"I think we should ban trousers being less than ten centimetres from belly buttons."

"And those noisy cars!"

"Just ban cars all together I think. People should walk like the good old days!"

They all nod in agreement and focus on the sheets.

"Ooh, Bingo!"

The following week an advert appears on the television.

"Are you tired of those pesky kids playing their music too loud and showing their underwear? Well now is your chance to right the wrongs the younger generation has made. Representing the better times, Dorothy Witherspoons will lead the pensioners to victory! Vote New Spagbog as your WA delegate today!"


So... Yeah.


Lord of Altera
A rather young man was sat in an office, going over some paperwork for the latest Civil Rights for the Young movement - CRY. There was a muzzle flare in a window a kilometre away. The chandelier hanging above him crashed down, piercing the top of his skull. It seemed like an accident and that's how the papers saw it.

Major. Ronald Gilbert, the military representative, stood up in the last NSAP (New Spagbog Agency Programme) meeting last Tuesday afternoon.

"We can not let something like this happen again. That man was dangerously close to achieving his goal of attaining enough followers to strike against the government!"

A small, thin, but charismatic man raised a hand.

"As leader of academia in our great nation, I believe that more emphasis must be put on low freedom for the under aged. Word it differently, obviously, but if they grow up knowing that they are below us, then they'll believe it all through life."

There's a murmur of agreement around the room.

"We need more jobs!" Cries the business director. "If they had something to do, it would give them less time to create groups and start revolutions."

"I think I have the solution." Said Hubert Higginbotham, the diplomacy representative. "We need control of the region. Use more of our budget for advertising in different nations. Add small rewards, incentives. The endorsements should come rolling in."