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wakerman4's Ban Appeal (Fer Extreme Lingo)

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Aye, I understand why I was banned.

To be very honest, I have been a potty-mouth for quite some time.
I guess it was only a matter of time.
Always though 'some' words (Not too violent, I thought) were good to use in RP, for Gromm's a dwarf, and dwarves TEND to be aggressive. But I do believe I may have been TOO aggressive.

I have too much in Hollow to lose now, so I can re-rail.
I am sorry for using Extreme Language, to Timber, to Staff, to all Alterians.
I pledge to not use Extreme Language.

As I said, I have too much RP to settle in Hollow to loose now. For House Locun needs me, I have a family to love/protect/stay with, and future RP event(s) to create and carry out.
For these reasons, it is only fair that I drop my swearing levels.
I will stop.

Sorry for the use of Extreme Language.
I never really noticed that it was overtaking me.
And I hope I will never get banned for this reason, or any other reason, again.

Hope to hear positive replies from y'all!


You were swearing about java issues, I suggest you to not swear INGAME, keep your language of crap away from server

Hawkeye can log all chats and pm I'm afraid.

My character Demon is aggressive too but does not swear at all, just keep in soft words like what the nether are you doing?!


You were swearing about java issues, I suggest you to not swear INGAME, keep your language of crap away from server

My character Demon is aggressive too but does not swear at all, just keep in soft words like what the nether are you doing?!
I don't recall swearing...ah yes.
There is a 'swear word' you use, that where I live is not considered a swear word, I seemed to use it a lot.
I won't anymore.

And as a dwarf, I recall saying things like 'You (B word) Seth!'

I will stick back to 'less swearing' idea

Dark Auras

A lot of this was within ('s for ooc too.
We try and keep all foul mouthing off of the server.
Im perfectly fine with unbanning you aslong as you agree to keep your swearing down :)


A lot of this was within ('s for ooc too.
We try and keep all foul mouthing off of the server.
Im perfectly fine with unbanning you aslong as you agree to keep your swearing down :)
I Swea--I mean, I promise not swear in OOC chat no more.
Also, I'll keep this in mind in RP too!

Dark Auras

The swear word in particular is a pretty offencive one that begins with an "f"...I dont know of any place thats normal talk.
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