Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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War Against The Dark Elves!


Deleted member 61

I, like many others, don't like the dark elves. Their evil presence in the Southern Wilds shrouds the place in misery and we should rise up against them before they make their so called empire a real one! We're E&E and other affiliates have carried out attacks. But at great costs. Lives were lists and expensive goods.

The Dark Elves tower in the Souter Wilds has been discovered and the location (coords) wi be given to a yobe who wishes to fight against them.

Let's rise up against evil and restore peace to our favourite mining location!

Deleted member 61

Not if I have the whole of the good Alteran population backing my cause!


Loyal Servant of Altera
ANYONE who attacks the dark elves will be placed on the top of my kill list... start praying protaras -__-

Deleted member 61

Tut tut tut. We will just have to rearrange your appointment with the gallows...


Lord of Altera
Hmmm.... Dark Elves seem like a powerful ally. But Cast is not a force to be messed with. I will help the Elves!


The Watcher
I'm pretty sure myself and steel blew up your little tower playhouse yesterday after the challenge was issued. :p