Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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wasnt banned but havent been rewhitelisted yet

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junungi darklight

I think I might like it here
been gone awhile probably bout a month and a half i didn't know my absence could be as large a problem as it was for some. As my character is an estranged hermit druid (to help compensate for my on call work schedule) my on line time is eclectic as are my conversations with the other residents . I'd like to play but cant log in as i have not been rewhitelisted for a few weeks now if I am not welcome just say so. I'll find a new server elsewhere. hope to see you all in game soon.

J. Darklight


Grand Lizard
Well for instance, the whitelist area its self, or if you want to be really clever "Help & Tutorials". Its where people go to ask for help or teach other people.
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