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By Byron Pickering

Water is the calm lake underneath the shining sun, and the raging waves as they tear into the cliffside. It is the ocean that surrounds our world, which our ships sail upon, and the water that wets our tongue. Water is as much of a necessity as food, without it what would we be?


A lake to fish from, more beautiful and lively than any I had seen! The water was so clear, I could see the bottom hundreds of yards down. Not just a myth, I tell you. The real deal!
All that surrounds us has water, from the smallest plants to the most widespread oceans. As such it must be said that although water is within most living things alongside the world itself, water elementals are restricted to non-living domains such as lakes and rivers. Anywhere that is a large body of water is a prime location for the domain of an elemental, from the swamplands to the ocean. The more water available over a consistent period of time, the easier it is for it to become one’s domain. This makes it less likely for a water elemental to reside in waterfalls and any whitewater rivers that may exist; if only because the water moves too fast to be a stable domain.

Commonly found in: Streams, Lagoons, Ponds, Rivers, Lakes, Coves, Oceans


Without water, we’d not have ale. We’d not be able to sail our ships, and Gods above, we might not even be able to survive. A good thing, water is.
The domain of water flows freely, making it hard to shape into a singular unmoving form. Water elementals can flow water into a focused point, which is often how most mortals have communicated with water elementals in the past. These “avatars” of water, even though a form can clearly be seen, are still made of freely flowing water and fall apart before reforming into the shape the elemental wishes. They could resemble a human in shape, but the water is constantly falling apart and reforming. Avatars such as these forms are what are normally seen when a mortal encounters an elemental, on friendly terms or unfriendly alike.

Water elementals become harder to differentiate from one another over time, as the water within them will flow outwards into seas and rivers, seeping out of their domain. This water will spread into other elemental’s domains, frustrating the other and causing a clash between the two. The ocean is the most common location of clashes such as these, where two water elementals could drift into one another unexpectedly. During these wars, waves will grow ever higher and it creates danger to any mortal ships nearby.

These domains of elementals are enriched with their presence, showing this most easily with the ever growing life within them. Waters that lack an elemental are still likely to grow life within them, but the presence of an elemental permanently increases the floral and fauna population of their domain. It is through this enriched waters that scholars can tell the true size of an elemental’s domain.

Elementals grow within tier depending on the size of their domain, this being the best way for any scholars or adventurers to truly tell the power of the elemental at hand. A domain that will flow in and out of the elemental’s control is hard to measure in habitats such as the ocean, but smaller bodies of water will often become a singular elemental’s entire domain. For example, a Fledgling can be as small as a small pond, growing to the size of a larger pond or river by the time they reach Noble. Nobles only grow larger than that, reaching the size of the majority of a lake or a cove before considered a lordly elemental.

Stages beyond noble become an ever-growing uncertainty, as one could believe an elemental to be much smaller than it actually is. Lordly elementals grow anywhere up to the largest lake or a small sea before being acknowledged as a Princely elemental. It is once they are as large as a sea that they begin to form Kin. Merged with another elemental, or many elementals, into one larger being. These kin might hold separate domains, but have one true purpose and mind that makes them a single elemental.

An example of a water elemental with kin is the Shoreless Gulf. The currently recorded Royal elemental of water, the Shoreless Gulf is known to be made up of seven seas. Each of these seven seas make up into one singular kin, a dominant aspect that is known to mortals as the Shoreless Gulf itself. Rather than separate elementals, it’s better to think of them as a part of a whole. An arm that your mind can use to feed your mouth, multiple parts that become one as kin. When your arm is hurt, it tells you that. In that same way, an elemental will tell its’ kin.



Arrogant bastards, I tell you. They don’t care about nothin’ but themselves.
Although not all elementals will react to a situation the same way and don't have the same personality, they often carry a set of traits that are similar to one another. As they grow in tiers, these traits often expand and grow in a similar fashion, giving a predictability when dealing with water elementals. They are lazy, easy to annoy and unbelievably cocky. As if they themselves are a blessing, and all should experience them.

Fledglings are best described as lazy, or maybe content based on the point of view. They enjoy their space, and will casually seep their domain into another area as they see fit. That being said, they are also known to be quick to hold a grudge. Easily frustrated or annoyed, they move to drown anything that pushes their buttons with their power.

Nobles only grow in their casual behavior, but also gain an interest in spreading their domain. They see their domain as better than the rest of the waters of lesser elementals, or lack thereof, and wish to spread themselves like a blessing to the world. A cocky attitude grows within, and they are quick to become annoyed at anything that disagrees with this.

Lordly elementals grow within their laziness, constantly spreading their domain as a natural action. As if not caring what happens unless pestered or threatened, they simply languish in themselves. Almost as if trying to share their waters with other elementals, it becomes a threat to them and they are quick to show they are better than any of these natural threats. They give off an intent to drown unlike any other, wishing to be the best of the world with the least amount of effort.

A combination of the previous tiers, Princely and Royals are lazy, cocky, arrogant and quick to annoy. How does one threaten an ocean? It isn’t possible, at least in the eyes of these elementals. They care little for the smaller elementals that may take up residence in their domain, and only care that they have created such a blessed location to thrive within. Mortals, and even smaller elementals, are nothing more than pests to them. They may live in their home, but don’t annoy the true owner or else nothing will be left but the water used to crush them.

B O O N S & B A N E S


We tried to fight it, but our blades went through the water and we were drenched and sluggish in moments. I tell you, if you see water rise up that high you’d best run.
Water moves freely and is not easily held in place, although a mortal can trap a small amount of it in a mug that doesn’t mean they could do the same for a larger body of water. Any sailor will tell you how treacherous the sea can be, waves can rock even the largest of ships. Water isn’t something that can just be struck with a blade, but it can strike back harder than imaginable. What true hope is there against the ocean itself?

The only true consistent vulnerability of water is the elements themselves. The cold will slow and freeze water, into ice or snow. Similarly, hot water will evaporate into steam and shrink in size. With the right amount of heat or cold, and enough effort, a mortal can hope to counter smaller elements. That doesn’t mean it will always be so simple, the larger an elemental is they’ll be less counterable with such measures. If one were to fight a lake, most mortals would be unable to form enough heat to evaporate or freeze it the same way the weather could.



I saw a wave taller than the highest ship, as tall as a lighthouse. Fish were still swimming in it, if it weren’t for the dread of what was gonna happen.. I’d even say it was beautiful.
Elementals of Water can control the entirety of their domain, but it becomes much harder to control the entirety of it the larger the domain is. They are limited only in the sense if they were to try to control an entire sea at once, it would be a lot to manage and it would slow them tremendously. That doesn’t mean they can’t create large waves over the entirety of it, or any other idea that may come to mind. Similarly to Earth, they are restricted to gravity, physics and any other natural order of the world. Water needs momentum to go tall, and it drips down if held in some way.


As always, lore found within this thread is not to be used to metagame. Public knowledge on elementals is minimal, but it does exist. Roleplay to the correct level of your character.

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