Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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what is this amazing game and how do I get it?


Lord of Altera
is it for a console? is it for a computer?
I'm hearing all this stuff about skyrim, and now i want it! my curiosity has grown too strong!
tell me where i can find this game! now!


<3 Hollow World
Xbox 360, PS3 or PC. Graphics are best on a decent PC (no brainer) but it's a console port so the menus can take a bit getting use to on the PC, I hated them to start with but to be honest I don't even think about it now.

It's equally as playable on any of them though, cheaper to buy on the PC but if you don't have a reasonably good one I'd recommend getting the console version (if you have a 360 or PS3).

PC - it's on Steam, not an enormous download either :)


King ForumStalker
Xbox 360, PS3 or PC. Graphics are best on a decent PC (no brainer) but it's a console port so the menus can take a bit getting use to on the PC, I hated them to start with but to be honest I don't even think about it now.

It's equally as playable on any of them though, cheaper to buy on the PC but if you don't have a reasonably good one I'd recommend getting the console version (if you have a 360 or PS3).

PC - it's on Steam, not an enormous download either :)
Its on Steam? I should look into this :)


<3 Hollow World
Expensive on steam, you can get it on almost any website cheaper but it'll install via steam anyway :p


Lord of Altera
ok, I don't have a ps3 or an x-box, so it looks like PC for me.
what websites sell it other than steam? and is there a boxed version?
WAIT! biggest question:
is it mac compatible?


King of the north!
yes its mac compatible, you need a steam account to play it though. You can buy it from pretty much any game store or online from various places and register it on steam if you prefer to buy a hard copy over a digital copy.