Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wolf: The Begining


Loyal Servant of Altera
Day One:
The Otho islands, I have lived here all my life, born, raised, and ready to part ways with my family. I thought this was the whole world, but until now, I was wrong. My parents tell me of this place very far away from the islands, called Altera, my parents longed to go to Altera, mainly because of how there wasn't a bloody tyrant, unlike the Otho islands, King Andreas III ruled with an iron fist, power hungry, and will never let anyone leave the islands, not even soldiers.
Day 2:
Some soldiers came to our house, asking, questions, about, the land, known as Altera. My parents soon found out that was forbidden knowledge, and my parents were arrested, before they were taken away, my mother whispered to me, "Run, child, run! Steal a boat! And never come back, ever!" I ran away as fast as I can, once I reached the beaches of the island, I took a small fishing boat and rowed away. A few watchtowers spotted me and started shooting arrows at the boat, I was shot in the hand and could not row anymore, luckily the current was able to take me out to sea, and the arrows stopped. I removed the arrow and used a seaweed as a makeshift bandage. Now I fear of the Otho Soldiers finding me and killing me, hopefully I can reach the shore of Altera before they do.