Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Missing Woven • Foxbells •


Lord of Altera
She was never missing a piece to begin with.
Whatever name you knew her as.
Whoever she chooses to be.

She finally goes back home.

(Missing until further notice. Perhaps forever)

{True Theme}

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Lord of Altera
Tried doing that thing where you put the actual OOC name beside relationships. Screwed up the formatting something bad, dunno why. So anyways, bump for like the last four updates combined?


Lord of Altera
tiny update of putting character profile links + relations update. Tell me if i screwed one up/missed any


Lord of Altera
More relations, because of course. Reorganized them by relationship types.

Also at this rate, I might need a spoiler for relations. I'm compulsively adding everyone because honestly it helps me keep track myself


Lord of Altera
Oh god, oh fuck. He bumped my profile, now people will be expecting it to actually be up to date.
Well. I finally did. Redid a bunch of things, added some new ones(Relationships have been cut down to be manageable, items have been added, personality has been redone)
Funky new theme for Woven that suits her a lot better than the other two, which have been ditched.

Relationships will probably be a revolving door of who is the most important influencers in Woven's life at the moment, don't worry if you're in there or not. Managing two dozen relationships when half of them never were met again was way too much of a pain.