Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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XBOX Gamer Tags


Mine is ''Oh Your Skilled''.

And yes, I realize I used the incorrect form of ''you're''. I'm not active much, though, and when I do come online it's really only to play Skyrim.


Lord of Altera
Mine's just the english translation of my name and birthyear >.>

All one word :p
I must've made, back in '06 ._.

Games I play (not very often, though):
Borderlands 2: I LAUVES IT. I play as Zer0 most often :3
Battlefield 3: I ams the starfox in thems jets.
Left 4 Dead, 1&2, all DLC's for 2 :3
Nazi zombies, blackops and WaW, with all DLC's for WaW, and Moon, movie thingy, and classic map DLC's on blackops :3

I've also got COD:MW, MW2, MW3..But, honestly haven't touched them since Battlefield came out >.>

Also might get Resident Evil 6 soon, so I may be online for that as well :3

And I've got a whole library of games..Just message me to play something, and as long as it has guns and/or zombies I'll most likely have it :3