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XCom 2


Lord of Altera

Not too much is known about it other than that it plays 20 years after XCOM:EU/EW and its synopsis is a world where you were overrun by the aliens and never managed to get past conventional weapons.

As a result XCOM went into hiding and became a resistance cell. Leaving Central officer Bradford a broken man.

Now 20 years later it is finally time to come out of hiding and take the fight back to the aliens. However earth is no longer XCOM's territory. Enemies run around freely and even converse with civilians.

All that has the advantage that you now start in hiding without the enemy even knowing you are there ;)
The base is now a mobile ship (Captured and refitted Alien Supply Barge)

Nothing is known what happened to the Commander from XCOM two. The last sentence in the trailer however indicates that he will be back in way. The devs apparently said somewhere that we will have to play the game to learn what happened to him, Dr Shen and of Dr. Vahlen.

The only character that was flat out stated to make his return is a now older Central(The guy in the second trailer looking at all the screens).

Release date is Nov 2015 btw :)
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