Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

xi_RobzZz Whitelist Application [Approved - Alaila]


1. xi_RobzZz
2. Rob Bridgett
3. 15
4. Male
5. England

6. I will read the Tome of Citizenship before signing into Hollow World for the first time

7. I think its a great idea as most servers are now just run around , fly around and kill eachother.
8. Im just a normal teenage boy really. I have an xbox 360. I like to play Skyrim , MW3 , minecraft and others. I also like Cars. My favourite subjects at school are English and media. My least Favourite subjects are Maths and Languages. Im usually quite a quiet player on minecraft and usually work alone.
9. I dont really have any examples of any work.
10. I dont like griefers and hackers on minecraft servers.

11. I am fully aware.
12. I found it on MCServerlist and thought it might be a good server due to it beong different from everything else and the roleplaying aspect if great.

13. I have voted
Thanks for Considering Me


Sparkly purple member of the team
This is really short and to the point. Part of me wants to ask you to add more things to question number 8, but the other part is thinking that you talked about hobbies.. school.. and that's what we use to ask.
I'm going to approve your application. Please behave and have fun. :p
Before running off to explore Altera I highly recommend that you take ten minutes to read The Altera Survival Guide (click) and the server rules on the wiki (click). It's only ten minutes and it will make your first days in the server much more enjoyable, I'm sure.
