Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I think I might like it here

I am addressing you once again and ask for your forgiveness. I am aware that I have made a big mistake. and I just want you to give me another chance.

I been banned for two months ago for saying some inappropriate words in the chat. I put on everything on me and know that I have done wrong. and it will not happen again I promise you that I can get better. I want to play more hollow. I ask you please give me another chance?


King ForumStalker
This is your third appeal now.

Tell me why I should pay any attention to this one, let alone let you back on the server?


I think I might like it here
for I will improve myself and hope that you can trust it. I just want to be a point in your community. I know I've done wrong, and I learn of my mistake. Give me a chance and you will see that I am the perfect player! Will never break a rule: (


King ForumStalker
hmm... I'll leave it to the rest of the admin team to decide, be thankful its even up for discussion.