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I used black magic?

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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I've been gone for about two weeks, and when I tried to play today it said I was banned for black magic. Could somone tell me what I did or was this an accident? I've never used or tried to use X-raying or things of that nature.


Lord of Altera
i had a quick looksie round your mines and i dont think you have xrayed, albeit your tunnels are dark and random but they dont just lead strait to diamond ores. if another mod wants to look around his tunnels and things i would be grateful because i dont think he has done it but i might be wrong.


True Bandit
i had a quick looksie round your mines and i dont think you have xrayed, albeit your tunnels are dark and random but they dont just lead strait to diamond ores. if another mod wants to look around his tunnels and things i would be grateful because i dont think he has done it but i might be wrong.
Me and Sally decided to ban him, although most of the time his mines did not lead straight to diamonds, more often the not they led to iron, lapis and other ores. From what we saw, it looked obvious. X-rayers dont only just go for diamond.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Ah, that, I agree it looks alot like I was mining for diamonds. As many people know, layer 7-14 is the ideal place for diamonds. I was simply digging around random tunnels looking for ores. If this is considered bad or against the rules, I will never do it again. I'm just to lazy to go spelunking.


Lord of Altera
*Digs around closet*

I also had a look with Reap about this. The mines you dug were TOO obvious. The fact that they twisted and turned at the right areas, always into ores, diamond, iron, lapis, as Reap said above. I don't think you can mine that randomly. A typical strip mine continues in the same direction until the player hits a cave/ravine or lava, in which they will turn. Yours went on for about 10-20 blocks, then turned, leading to ores. Being a new moderator I left it to Reap and Sally to decide, and thus resulting in your ban.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Alrighty, well all I have to prove I didn't do it is my word wich won't help alot... If you decide toban me so be it, but I'm not lieing, I never X-rayed and I never will.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I've never used or wanted to use X-ray, I completely agree my method of mining makes it look like I was using X-ray. This is the first time I've been banned in Altera and I hope it will be my last. I swear to never use X-ray or use this method of mining on Altera again.

Please, unban me and I'll stay out of trouble from now on.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
This is realy just a misunderstanding that will never happen again... Could somone please tell me whats going to happen? I'm not lieing, I swear.


Lord of Altera
and plus if he actually is doing it we will catch on very quickly anyway

edit: i just tried digging 10 blocks then turning a then digging ten blocks and turning and i ended up with a decent amount of iron about 16 in about 10 turns which is not unlike what happened to blargh here so it is not impossible for what blargh did to actually happen!


Good thing we don't take votes on unbanning :)

I think it's upto Sally, if shes sure about it then shes sure.


King ForumStalker
I want to see what Sally says too, plus she'll have the logs with co-ords so we can all take a look and help on the decision if it is a bit borderline.
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