Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sitting in chairs

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We have installed a new plugin that lets players sit in chairs. Simply stand 1 block away from a stair block, crouch and right click. If you want to leave your chair simply right click the stairblock under you. Note that you will see yourself floating higher in the chair than others. Other players will see you fit into the chair.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, after doing... Whatever she does, she gets very tired. So, now that we can sit in chairs she is a bit more happy.


Lord of Altera
:D I love this plugin, me and my friends use it on our private server, and we sit down and just have a good time.


Lord of Altera
Thank the gods! I was getting sore standing up all the time, and crouching over chairs like an imbecile, thank you Hollowworld!


Lord of Altera
Interesting fact: When you sit on a chair, go in F5 and press shift repeatedly, you are scratching your bottom on the chair with a very comical effect.
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