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[Fixed] Minecraft Login Servers Offline

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Lord of Altera
This is bad news. Good thing we are prepered *grabs sword* To the asulta! Wait that dosent exist . Okay then lets wait for notch to fix this


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Main thing that makes HW the best: We have Forums!... Without the Forums, we wouldn't all be aware of this huge problem.


Lord of Altera
Isn't it possible to create an announcement that goes into the server chat stating why everyone who is logged on should log off, so that someone else doesn't need to log on to tell them?


Puskins123 said:
Wait i just noticed something. Lars Has to go to work??? Its sunday? Weird.
People do have to work sundays, otherwise there wouldnt be any shops open or anything


Lord of Altera
Just try to refrain from doing anything with minecraft until the problem is solved, it'll probably just cause more problems.

About the forums, most people on our server check them daily, and, seeing as this is the most recent announcement, I'm sure it'll be checked. Anyone who is online, it's their problem, don't log on yourself, otherwise you'll more likely make a problem for yourself too.

As soon as it's fixed I'll post again telling you the Rapture is over and you can come out yer bomb shelters.
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