Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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La Bette Artwork


The original mute
What, different people chatting via comments? Wow. We're not allowed to comment to talk to anyone anymore either? T_T
Perhaps not excessively, now, since I'm on holiday I'm just going to leave it at that, and bette, you better be ready for rp in a week and a half.


Lord of Altera
forgot again >.< bette ill have to sketch you because well... i deleted my program >.> it was annoying meeeeeeee! but ill try and get you your chibi (that i said ages ago and is sorry :oops:) for a me chibi ^^ :p


Lord of Altera
Hey, can I have a chibi drawing of Zethcron Jyushin? For pay um... I have like 1.7k or 1.4k radiants Y_Y I'm always so very poor...

Is there any other payment method, in addition to the radiants if it isn't enough.


Roleplay keeper
I'm corrently working on a picture to Abbey's stories, and I wanted to just make one of Bewpy for a start.. Look for my second post in this thread, gonna use it for uploading pictures!


Camicaxe said:
-.- Of course, I know. But because i have no use for the rads my cash total is, Has, And will always be a big 0.
You could vote for the server :p just throwing it out there xD