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The Golden Crusade

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Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Then she must be stopped, for all that is holy!
YOU cannot stop Q.G. There have already been RPs about stopping her, but we hardly slowed her down, and even though we had some of the best fighters etc in Altera, we still failed. It took all of the Kings and Queens of Altera to only just seal her away in the Nether for a bit.
This is not connected to H. Hawklight btw, just incase there is some confuzion.

Message in RP to the Crusaders:
I will not be joining ye', unless someone/something strongly changes my mind, but I wish ye' all good lunch as ye' are fighting for a good cause!


Lord of Altera
What has duckie done to be classified as a criminal?
Didnt he kill a women?

I'm sorry. Thats not true. House Hawklight, previously known as The Order of The Fallen Radiant(s), or just The Order for short before the Exodus, now we are slightly different. We used to be the most religous and organsied group in Altera (I almost said Tamriel .... xD). We are not just "a group of paladins and priests that fight demons and save innocents". We are MUCH MUCH MUCH more than that. We do everything you do, and more. I guess you could say that H. Hawklight is also an organisation, except not as much as it was. House Hawklight isn't just a house. It is a town, a society. The Order was/is an organisation. We fight for justice, equal rights, Altera, the Good Gods, the people. We bring light and hope to the darkness. We worship the good gods. Please do not judge us without knowing what we are.
These fine citizens of Altera are only SUGGESTING that you join our House, since you are (in my opinion) kinda copying what we have done since 1.8. The only people who I have seen post on this thread who are from H.H./Wintermourne Eyrie/Del are me, TheCastellan and Legion9191.

I end my, I guess you could say, rant.
Thank you.
A town? which town?


Lord of Altera
YOU cannot stop Q.G. There have already been RPs about stopping her, but we hardly slowed her down, and even though we had some of the best fighters etc in Altera, we still failed. It took all of the Kings and Queens of Altera to only just seal her away in the Nether for a bit.
This is not connected to H. Hawklight btw, just incase there is some confuzion.

Message in RP to the Crusaders:
I will not be joining ye', unless someone/something strongly changes my mind, but I wish ye' all good lunch as ye' are fighting for a good cause!
The Crusade will one way or an other stop the corruption of Queen Grief and and her evil, for it is our greatest cause, and we won't stop our holy wars until her and her allies are brought to face Harateth's justice!


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Nah, i dont think youll stop Q.G., its one of those impossibilities.
And the town hes talking about is Wintermourne.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
The Crusade will one way or an other stop the corruption of Queen Grief and and her evil, for it is our greatest cause, and we won't stop our holy wars until her and her allies are brought to face Harateth's justice!
As Legion said, no you won't. Its kinda one of those rules, things you can't do.


Lord of Altera
*A note flutters in the wind on the notice board this recruitment paper is on.*
"Harateth, A god of pain. Not justice nor good, but fame. Harateth can try to protect you and your little slaves, but worshipping a god who doesn't save. He only destroys and kills the evils that roams, a lot of morals you should never hold on. Give this joke up and disband this group, before the burns of Skragg fall upon you. By the third cycle if this is still here, I guess I will plague you and make you fear"


Lord of Altera
On behalf of the Golden Crusade and potentially all defenders of Harateth's holy words, i take this as menaces which won't be taken lightly. The Crusade do not fear skragg, and we won't be abducted by words or foul curses!


Lord of Altera
Well in the RP context, let's believe i can...
in that RP context....its legion said IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, even in RP. Since Q.G. is part of the server core lore, she cannot be defeated by such simple means, like the lore states, it took many MANY men to wipe our her army, and days for the kings to send her into the nether for that short time. A single group cannot do anything but sit idly by and wait for her armies.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Not to mention, since the golden crusade hasnt actually done anything, in an RP context, i have no reason to believe you could even defeat a lone bandit.

Dont make claims you cant back.


Lord of Altera
You shouldn't give up the hope of defeating her! You can do this!
(No seriously guys, don't give them more reason to focus on annoying us D:<)
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