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[Village] Elkron [Old thread - Closed]

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Loyal Servant of Altera
You stole 90 Diamonds from me, You killed jrk190 in Protaras. Make a ban appeal, but I do not think you'll be unbanned.


King ForumStalker
matto225 i got banned for no reason can u unbar me it says for illegal pvp and theft but i didn't do it help me plz
can u tell him to unban me plz tell him i will not ever to it again and say that i have leaned my lesson
First of all, this isn't the place to discuss it, make a ban appeal.

Second of all, first you say you didnt do it, now you say you will never do it again?

May I recommend you dont lie like that in your ban appeal?


Lord of Altera
I know I can go off topic a lot but please, this is a thread for a lovely and peaceful town called elkron in which the owners have spent many hours and days making for the benefit of people, and here is the place to join, ban appeal... Thank you itza, now let's hear no more but applications and other topics that are relevant so this dosent happen again hopefully :)
  • You were banned, then told that you didn't do it.
  • Repeatidly posted on the wrong thread.
  • Did you stole anything Elkron?
  • Me, Matt and the villagers of Elkron can't trust you.
  • Why did you ever consider that Matt would unban you if Cubey banned you?


Sopinka, please make a thread for ban appeal in unbanning appeal topic, failure to do, you will be removed from the forum.

Do not post this thread.


Burner of Worlds
I am withdrawing my request to join Elkron. Thanks for considering me for Elkron, but while visiting Stormhold I discovered they had lost their blacksmith in a war and had a vacant smithy. I have taken up residence in Stormhold and joined House Lonmar. Please visit if you need any armour or tools repairing.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Are you guys looking for a farmer? I'm not ready to join anyone just yet, but I'd just like to know.


Lord of Altera
Hello all

Just posting to say I have not forgot about everyone, Matt and Qri etc. I am in Switzerland for my Holliday. Anyway just saying you won't see me for another 2 weeks so I wish elkron the best till then


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hi! I'm an old player who has been inactive for a while. Now my old town is gone, and I'm looking for somewhere new to live. At the moment both my character and I (Radiants) are too poor to afford housing. I may, however like to move to this town in the future, which leads me to my questions...

1. I'd like to know how all the jobs of your city work and interact. For example, does the farmer give some of his wheat to everyone as part of his/her job? Does every citizen buy the wheat individually?

2. What timezone are most of your members active in? In my last town, no one was active when I was on, and it was a bit lonely. :( So, I want to try and avoid that this time and join a town where people are active when I'm active. :)


I think I might like it here
Minecraft Username: Woofrog

Roleplay Name: Kierkegaard

Race: Human

Rp profile:

Preferred job: Farmer

What you feel you could add to the town: Well, firstly I'd create a great looking farm. Second, I love RP, and would certainly stay in character as much as possible! Adding that feel of immersion is what makes the RP server great. And that's what I'd strive to do.

How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: OOC, I'm totally fine with Elves and Mermaids. IC my character is racist. He grew up knowing only humans, and his parents were very fearful of other races. So he doesn't like them too much. But don't worry, I won't go over board. It'll just make RP more fun. :)


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
By the end of this week, traveling to Elkron will be done through the Heaven's Reach harbour.
To do this, we need to have a ship in HR and in Elkron so we can place the portals.
The HR Builders Guild can even provide you with a fantastic ship if you want to.
Please let me know where you want to have the ship and we will place it.
By the end of this week, traveling to Elkron will be done through the Heaven's Reach harbour.
To do this, we need to have a ship in HR and in Elkron so we can place the portals.
The HR Builders Guild can even provide you with a fantastic ship if you want to.
Please let me know where you want to have the ship and we will place it.
What? ._. When did this happen?
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