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Short Stories Thread

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The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
bettemus99 said:
Can I enter the competition with this btw?
The competition's between me and kk to see who is the best at writing and, generally, competitions :p
And I'm glad to see you posted a story! I drift off into songs all the time


The Arbiter of the Gods
Winter Wonderland

I couldn't feel any part of my body. I wasn't even sure why I was still walking. My feet were dragging on the snow. Metal under my boots compressed it, making a sound. Apparently, Eskimos know over 200 words for snow... I don't know, all I see is white. White snow with ruins of buildings scattered all over the place. Geiger counter stopped ticking about half an hour ago, meaning I left the radiation zone at last... or the counter broke...
My Multi Purpose Wrist Unit showed -46 degrees Celsius... Body temperature was at 36.1 degrees. My pre-war AK-15 probably wouldn't spit a single shell if I was to pull the trigger right now. At least I still had my G-56 pistol. Reliable thing, that.
I continued to walk. Suddenly I felt some warmth along the parts that should be the coldest, hands and legs. I knew what it was. I was about to freeze to death. I had to find a shelter.
As lucky as that may sound, I found one. Well preserved ruins that had a gloomy and dark basement. I quickly attached a power unit to the plug and thought 'Let there be light'. I flipped the switch, and that instant the small uranium rod started creating energy inside the power unit. The whole place lit up with yellow light, coming from the ancient now bulbs. I didn't expect the heating to work, that was a little bit too much to ask.
I rigged the whole place with traps. I didn't want mutants to decide to have a nice meal on me before I could fill myself up. Then I lit the small gas fire and placed the ration pack on the pan. Smell of food filled the room.
Before the meal cooked, I found some barrels, full of what I found out to be beer. This place must have been some sort of a bar. For first time in months, I ate my dinner with the company of the amazing yellow liquid. Alcohol, despite its weakness, strengthened me up, though after some time I started feeling fatigue. I went to sleep.

I woke up with the ticking of my Geiger counter. The room wasn't irradiated, so it must have been something outside. I picked up my AK and made sure I had the Glock at the ready. I didn't bother switching the lights off, most mutants could see in the dark anyway.
"Who goes?!" I shouted, but the only replied I received was the sound of shoes. It was surely a Human being. I flipped the small switch on my AK and green light-based aiming system switched on. I was ready to use the plasma charge if I needed to.
The boots came closer and closer. As soon as I could see them, and then the rest of the body, I cursed loudly. It wasn't a Human.
The military robot aimed at me, but before it could fire its 20 mm cannon, I shot the plasma charge. The charge hit its optics, damaging them, but the bot's head spun around and revealed another pair of cameras. I shot the bot twice with standard shells. It fell to the ground, with one bullet hole in his head and another where its CPU should have been. I quickly changed the magazine to an Armour Piercing one. I did the same to my Glock. If there was one, there were far more to come.
I ran through the doors that I decided not to open. The doors lead lower down, through something that seemed like a cave... It was a hideout. I ran into the hideout, people looked at me shattered. I shouted "Robots!!!" and everyone got up, taking whatever firearms they could.
The military robots started walking in. The citizens of the hideout were prepared and opened fire, me with them. We stopped wave after wave, but there were far more to come.
The first robot to hit me nearly broke my arm...

I noticed something about history... No ace ever gets killed at what he is best at... Red Baron, a flight ace that was killed by an AA gun. Wittmann, tank ace that was destroyed by a plane... And me.
I was an ace of survival. I loved winter. The small hideouts were my idea. For 10 years after the war, I still lived, and helped people live.
My last thought was the hope of someone finding my trust worthy AK and Glock. Find my MPWU. Find me...
Second robot that hit me did break my hand. In 3 places. I couldn't have known, because third hit broke one of my lower ribs. I was shot in my right leg, which with was ripped off by the force of the 20 mm cannon. I was still conscious, no matter how badly I wanted to have it over.
I saw my life escaping from me, looking sadly. Then, all the bots stopped. The time stopped.
"You Humans never learnt," many voices whispered at once. "You killed all the other races... Dwarves, Elves... Everything... At the end, you started killing each other."
I remained silent. Even if I was able to speak, there'd be nothing to say. But I couldn't speak. Dead people don't speak, after all.
"Of course, you moved on," the voices continued. "Instead of using bows and arrows you invented guns. Technology. You pushed the other races away. You pushed the Gods away, calling yourself Gods. You even destroyed the Grief completely. You invented bombs and tanks and planes. But there is always that price."
A figure that wore a robe and a deep hood, that seemed to be made of pure darkness appeared. I presumed it looked at me, though I couldn't have been certain, as the hood covered everything. The only thing that was different colour was the scythe...
"Over a 1000 years ago, I have met up with my brothers to discuss how to destroy Altera. We decided to use Grief... It didn't work. We shouldn't have bothered anyway. We should have expected that you, Humans, would destroy yourself at some point. Now, take my hand. This will be your last journey. The last journey of the last noble man. Of the last Lord".
I took Death's hand. It was so warm. I felt peace... Peace at last.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Lovely stories so far; I'd write, but I'm absolutely horrid at it... Chance one of you lot'd do a story involving Basil?


The Arbiter of the Gods
The Pyromancer

"Insane". A very good way to describe the man before me. His red eyes seemed to be almost glowing. The white robes must have costed at least a village, and the short staff attached to his side at least 2.
I stood before him, wielding my sword and my shield, ready to strike. 3 days ago we received reports of him torturing and killing peasantry. Being a noble knight, I have set off to find him and kill him.
"You have committed crimes against the people of Altera. These include, but not only, illegal torturing, mass murder and use of magic for your own reasons. I will take you to the Port Silver's dungeon, where you will await a fair trial," these are the words I shouted out. The man smiled.
"Come an' get me then," he said, smiling.
I started running towards the man. Who cares, I thought, if he is to die here or in the capital. At that same instance though, a fireball hit me in my chestplate. A beautiful but strong design that was indestructible by nearly anything. I fell to the ground, wet from the last rain.
I got up heavily. He was a pyromancer. That is never a good thing. I had to change my tactic. I ran, holding the sword in both hands. I managed to dodge the next fireball, and the one after. I took a swing where that man, Basil his name apparently was, should have been. Should have, but wasn't.
I did a pirouette and swung about the other way. I think I cut him a little, but nothing too dangerous. I felt the sword getting slightly lighter, and noticed in horror the tip simply melted off. Never mind, I thought, I'll buy another one. So long as this one kills him.
The pyromancer threw a fireball again. From this range there was no way it would have missed. It hit me in my left arm, and I felt strands of my hair smoking. I swung again, but failed once again and was met with the staff that suddenly hit me in the head. I fell to the ground, and could hear chanting. I rolled away at the last second and jumped up. My armoured fist met his face by some chance, after I swung it in a hook. This time he fell to the ground.
I walked over to him, but he suddenly shot something that seemed like a beam of fire. It threw me about 5 metres off the ground, broke my legs and knocked me out for about a minute.
During those minutes, another man jumped up and started fighting Basil. This man clearly knew what he was doing and the chances seemed more even. The sounds of sword hitting the staff were more frequent, and the chanting voice was replaced by cursing.
I fell unconscious again.

I woke up with the man's face above me. The brown beard and the hair neatly brushed up.
"You tried to catch Basil? You must be even more foolish than you seem" he chuckled.
"Wh- Where is he now?" I asked.
The man chuckled again, his brown eyes looking at me, "calming down. Do not fear, he will not do that again any time soon. I must, however, ask you to stop trying to catch him. It is like trying to control fire.." he smiled again, "literally".
"Why are you so calm?!" I couldn't help to ask... quite loudly...
"Because I stopped him many times before. Foolish of me, really. It was foolish of you too... Now you paid."
At first I didn't understand what he meant. I noticed soon enough, half of my face was burnt to flesh. I will remember that until my death... The scar will remind me.
Because only fools try to stop Basil Brush Hawklight. Because only complete idiots don't enjoy his escapades. Because if you know how to stop him, you must be at least as insane as him....

What do you think Blarg? ^_^


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Best. Story. Ever. Not exactly what would of happened if you truly attempted to fight Basil. He does not know the words for proper magics, instead he uses his will of iron and focus of steel to perform magic... And you gave me a new idea for a spell, which makes you even more awesome.


Lord of Altera
Hoo boy... time to give this a shot... came up with this just now.

The dark street seemed quiet in the night... no one yelling... no one fighting over what was left... In the distance a building toppled over, crushing a small car without any gas. No one cared. Anything worth anything in this wasteland had been taken... or was being killed for everyday. In the tall apartment building just south of the stem of the old Tower, a gramaphone is switched on. "It's the end of the world as we know it... and I feel fine..." The song floats through the air, echoing in the night, making it sound more like a haunting melody than the joking tune it was originally meant as... In the building, an ironic laugh bounces off the nearby buildings, sounding like the crows that always stay on the rooftops... waiting for the next person to die. The laugh is cut off with a strangled gasp, and the teenage boy who was foolish enough to alert half the city of his location, dies immediately. Ignoring the effect that this may have on her sanity, a young woman takes as much of the boy's things as she can carry. She walks out the front door, sliding a blood-stained steak knife into a loose tanned leather belt... In an alleyway nearby, a window smashes as an old man is thrown out it. He slams roughly into the ground, a story below, breaking his back. He breathes heavily, trying to keep a grip on the little light that Luna gives. A gang of men come out of the building, kicking the man, and also taking anything worthwhile off him. The man takes one last look at the devastated wasteland of a city, and with a tear running down his cheek, dies... Complete and total anarchy. That is what this fallout ridden city has been reduced to. The bowed tower, a smashed monument to human sins... the mountains that used to be visible, now covered in smog, a temple to ruin. If there is a heaven... this is the farthest anyone will get from it.
Tried to describe how I think it would be after a nuclear apocalypse. Based in my lovely home-town, Calgary, AB.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Nice one again polo, you are putting everyone else to shame!
And good one too Lewis, your story combined with blarg's challenge has given me an idea

A mini competition, where everyone writes an apocalypse styled story, and me and kk decide the victor as the judges! The story can be about anything related to the end of the world, whether it is in the midst of ending, or has ended, or whether what caused it was zombies or war (or even aliens!), just as long as it is apocalyptic!


The Arbiter of the Gods
Best. Story. Ever. Not exactly what would of happened if you truly attempted to fight Basil. He does not know the words for proper magics, instead he uses his will of iron and focus of steel to perform magic... And you gave me a new idea for a spell, which makes you even more awesome.
Yeah, the thing about words was just to add effect. Notice I said shield at the start, because shields also add that effect. (I actually forgot to use it later on, but aww well xD)

Also, the apocalyptic challenge sounds awesome.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I started, but I very often start and half way just think "This story will be meh". I'll need to think about it first xD


Lord of Altera
Nice one again polo, you are putting everyone else to shame!
And good one too Lewis, your story combined with blarg's challenge has given me an idea

A mini competition, where everyone writes an apocalypse styled story, and me and kk decide the victor as the judges! The story can be about anything related to the end of the world, whether it is in the midst of ending, or has ended, or whether what caused it was zombies or war (or even aliens!), just as long as it is apocalyptic!
Can I enter this one into the competition? :3


The Arbiter of the Gods
After some time, I think I'm ready to begin... If I don't post the story in the next hour or so, it means I failed xD