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War Time

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Lord of Altera
The War Time will start at 10pm GMT, these battles will be stretched over 3 weeks to give space between each battle and enough time to set them up and make sure all the details are correct. Please check this page often for updates.

The War Time will be beginning on the 26th of January, there will be three Official War events, one for every weekend after the first war. Houses are able to create their own wars and bet 'points' against other Houses, but they must follow the War Rules of the Northern Kingdoms and agree on set items to give to the winner, this 'bet' must be confirmed by both House owners participating and a GoC Official. Houses that declare war on Houses that are not entered in the GoC will not gain any points towards the Crown.

Before the War Time begins, the Points will be added up and posted here. Till then, please be patient.

War One - Battle Royale - Over, Lonmar is Victorious

A place that has been out of the control of the Silver Crown for hundreds of years. How else to show your power and skills over your enemies than claiming the Southern Wilds as if it was your own?

Plan: Battle royale in a Southern Wilds area selected by GoC Officials, this place has secrets that will be dangerous to the Houses battling it out carelessly.

Plan B (if there's too many players to fight) : have two arenas and have a tournament, smallest house VS smallest house, largest- you get the idea.

Winnings: Winner of this battle will win 10,000 points and a balloon to a selected place in the Southern Wilds. This balloon cannot be restricted or locked, but it will give the town it stays in an advantage over the Southern Wilds.

War Two - Capture the Flag - 2nd Feb 10pm GMT

Houses that are still playing through the GoC by this point will participate in a 'Capture the flag' Game, hosted in the maze of Heavens Reach.

Plan: Players are placed at selected spots around the city and must find 'flags'. They must guard the flags for 30 mins (depending entirely, could be 10mins) Players can be killed and returned, as with the previous battle, only mercs/unofficial house alliances and paid houses/alliances can enter. Once a player finds a flag, they must hold it in their hands and rely on their friends for defense... or run for the hills and hide. Invisibility potions are not allowed, anyone caught using tricks like fly mod, hacks or invisibility potions will be banned until the event is over. (obviously hacks would be perm banned)

Winnings: Each 'flag' is worth 1000 points, winning players will be rewards appropriately once their supporting house is confirmed.

War Three - Tower Defense - 9th Febuary 10pm GMT

Houses that are still playing through the GoC by this point will participate in a 'Siege' Game, hosted in one of the participating houses' city.

Plan: This will be a 1vs1 war, where one house will defend and the other house will attack a city. The defending house can win by holding at least one of the four control points for the set time of 30 minutes. The attacking party can win by taking control of all control points.

The normal rules will count in this war, the attacking house will get a few means to take out a gate or climb a wall, all damage dealt will be rolled back (after the GoC that is).

The houses with the most points will attack, whilst the houses with the least points will defend.

Houses must agree upon returning items or not before the battle starts.

If the defending party wins, they may attack the attacker's city. This fight is a 'bonus' fight, and gives no points. Whoever loses in this battle cannot join another war, the rest of the Houses must battle it out until there is one left standing, this one will win the final set of points.

Winnings: The overall winning house will win 12,500 points. After this the King will be elected.


Lord of Altera

Battling requires resources, the selected resources are Wheat and Iron. Only War One and Three requires resources.

Wheat: players will need to bring a stack of wheat for each player battling for each day played. If they run out of resources before the battle is over, they will lose automatically, if they are defeated before the resources are used up, the remaining resources will go to the House that defeated their last member.

Iron: Houses will need to bring four iron blocks per member participating in the wars, but afterwards the blocks can be given as 'respawn points'. 100 blocks will respawn one of your warriors back to the battlefield, but they will not recieve any special items, they will have to rely on friends or luck to survive after respawning. The respawn spot will be random.

Also, if everyone on your team dies and you still have some 'respawn points' left, they will be lost. Players cannot be brought back in if every member has fallen.

These supplies will be paid per battle, before each battle.

House X hands over 10 stacks of Wheat for his 10 soldiers fighting in War One, the war lasts longer than 1 minecraft day, the wheat is depleted and House X loses.

House Y hands in a double chest of Wheat for his 13 soldiers fighting in War Two, the war lasts for half a day, the wheat is still highly stocked. If they won, they take it home, if they lose, the one who won takes the supplies.


Lord of Altera

GoC Officials: SallyPirate, Alphadragonman1, Readij

Anyone in the direct developement of the GoC areas will not be able to participate, any signs of leaked information will see the cheating house banned from the GoC, locked in the Port Silver dungeon and fed regurgitated rotten flesh.

Remember that Wars can be started before and during the War Time, but they must follow the War Rules. Any and all battles, RP's and events should follow all rules of the server, this especially goes for bullying/harassment. If there's a severe case of bullying going on because of this game, the offending House will be kicked from the Game, no refund and no chance to re-enter until they grow up.

General Server rules are here.

Potions and other nonsense

Potions: All potions except Invisibility will be allowed, this is to make sure that no one disappears and simply camps until everyone's dead. Anyone caught using invisibilty potions will be slain and their house deducted 1000 points.

RP wise, only an Alchemist can use splash potions, so I would like to stick to this complicated rule: If you're throwing around damage II potions like they're on fire, you can only wear iron armour and not bring a sword. Alchemists are professional with potions, not heavy weapons.

Armor and weapons: Don't bring what you can't stand to lose. The enemy might not be willing to give it back. You can bring whatever you want, but your house must select a coloured helmet to wear. Not wearing a coloured helm will cause confusion for GoC Officials and will cause problems for respawn points and general battle arrangement. Also if a House chooses pink, we can laugh at you :D.

Traps: Traps are allowed, but they can only harm or distract attackers(like throwing them in a maze under the city). Traps that instantly kill or nearly kill and leave them permanently trapped aren't allowed. So basically you're not allowed to grind players.

Warriors: How many warriors can be taken into the war? Sorry for not answering this sooner, but while it used to be "You have to deal with whoever has the lowest." It's now every man for themselves. If House X has 15 warriors and House Y has 10, House Y will have to hire some more mercenaries, or suck it up.

More Rules:
  1. Splash potions can only be used by Alchemists, these persons will have to make it known before the battle they are Alchemists to the hosts of the GoC. Also, an alchemist cannot wear diamond armor, because he's not trained to wear them. (they can wear iron armour)
  2. The use of enderpearls is not allowed. (Anymore, suckers)
  3. The use of invisibilty potions is not allowed.
  4. Admins who are taking part must de-op themselves.
  5. The use of 'fly' or any other way to be unable to get killed is not allowed, obviously.
  6. Before the first battle, each house has to pay wheat. The amount is set at 1 stack per player taking part in the battles. If you have 15 persons fighting for you for War 1, you will have to pay 15 stacks of wheat before the battle. You may give more wheat if you're concerned the battle will last longer.
  7. Before the first battle, all houses must pay 4 iron blocks per player who is taking part.
  8. Respawning is an option, but before the battle 100 iron blocks must have been paid to the hosts. You won't get any special items, except a cap to wear. Spawning after everybody but three persons have been killed is not allowed.
  9. Block breaking in the arena, or making changes to it in any other way, is not allowed.
  10. Before the battle, the leader, or a person given this power by the leader, must inform the hosts who they are fighting for.
  11. All participants must wear a cap with their house colours!
  12. There are hidden bonus chests on the first map, some of which contain bonus points.


Non sum qualis eram
Naelwyn's Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Hey, biggest advantage. I know right away when my house is available.

For weekends I can swing most any daytime hour in my timezone for events, unless work happens. Weekdays aren't really good for me at all.


Burner of Worlds
Presumably anyone who tries to get an unfair advantage by scouting it out will be excluded from the war.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I haven't tried scouting it out, twas a joke. I'm surprised it wasn't made in the King's battleground and you were going to port it over just before.

Edit: Just realized my post says Have, thats misspelled. I ment to say Haven't tried


Retired Staff
Too much of a hassle to shape the terrain >.>. Anybody found breaking blocks in the battleground will be excluded from the war.


Loyal Servant of Altera
So I'm still a little unsure if Organizations will be able to interfere in these types of proceedings it was slightly skimmed over in the GoC post and I'm wondering if only houses signed up for the crown are going to be able to interact in these events


Non sum qualis eram
I just paid 100k to enter the battle as a single individual.

Come on now. If you cannot afford 100-150k as an entrance fee, you're in trouble in the game anyways.

Honestly -too- many mercenaries and outside organizations and things will get downright silly.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Mercenaries will never become king, who'd pay them? ;)

This is an event for houses. Want to join? Join a house or be a hired sword for one of them.


Lord of Altera
So I'm still a little unsure if Organizations will be able to interfere in these types of proceedings it was slightly skimmed over in the GoC post and I'm wondering if only houses signed up for the crown are going to be able to interact in these events
Basically, only houses that pay to enter and any alliances they have can assist. That and mercenaries that aren't affiliated with any houses. This is mostly to encourage RP logic in the PVP madness sure to follow :p


if bandits and others tries find battlefield, will be feed to demon! and send to the Nether!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Basically, only houses that pay to enter and any alliances they have can assist. That and mercenaries that aren't affiliated with any houses. This is mostly to encourage RP logic in the PVP madness sure to follow :p
Alright all I needed to know thanks!


Non sum qualis eram
I might have problems with the 26th, specifically, depending on when exactly we do things.
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