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Proposal - Giant Cardinal & Cardinal Dragon


Lord of Altera
In an effort to increase the biodiversity of the server (and to allow my character to have a neat pet) I would like to introduce a mythical creature to our server’s animal lore: the giant cardinal. A more developed lore has been prepared, including habitat, distribution, life cycles, predation, etc. This can be found at <> and will be included on the wiki page if this species is approved. If you’re wondering about the second name in the title, the cardinal dragon, simply read on.

The giant cardinal is simply a larger, more intelligent version of a standard, northern cardinal, or Cardinalis cardinalis. It is about a foot tall when standing on the ground, and is about a foot and a half long from beak to tail. It is sleeker in shape-otherwise the poor thing would be like a feathery, red cannonball, and that would just be weird.

As far as intelligence goes: legend has it that the giant cardinal species comes from a population of cardinals that once lived in one particular forest. According to that legend, Shalherana placed a blessing upon the birds, and they grew greatly in size and intelligence. Noone is sure exactly how intelligent they became, but the birds are known to solve complex puzzles and perform other difficult tasks. Some birds, raised in captivity, have even been known to speak a few words in common tongue, much like parrots and mockingbirds.

Some most likely would hunt this grand bird, if it were not for the curse. Due to Shalherana’s blessing, any sentient being who kills a giant cardinal is doomed to die of a nature related accident, and in the very near future. Some poachers have been struck by lightning, others swept away in flash-floods, and so on and so forth. Mother Nature’s wrath is great when those she protects are harmed.

Legend of the Cardinal Dragon
There are rumors of another creature which shares the trees with the giant cardinal: the cardinal dragon. About three feet long, this feathery dragon has been supposedly witnessed by a few travelers, nesting right alongside clusters of giant cardinals. The relation of this rare creature–if it exists at all–to the giant cardinal species is unknown, but many of Altera’s cryptozoologists search eagerly for a specimen to study in its natural environment.

Anyway, please comment with any questions, comments, concerns, or statements of approval! :3

---------GET PAYED FOR YOUR ART!---------
A prize ranging between 250 and 2000 rads will be granted to EVERY person who draws and submits a picture of a giant cardinal, cardinal dragon, or both in their natural habitats that I think is good enough to use on the wiki. (See the Google Doc linked in the intro for more complete information on the species.)

This competition giveaway closes at the end of February!


Lord of Altera
*tracking* I might have to move the cardinal dragon up on my orders list... When does the competition finish?


Lord of Altera
I like the lore proposal myself, seems like just a small addition to Altera that could be added in lots of places to add more depth.

Also, I'll try to draw up the images myself If I can get my scanner working :p


Lord of Altera

The "competition" is now more of a giveaway! Everyone who submits a picture which I decide to use in the wiki page, if this gets accepted, will be awarded a prize ranging from 250 to 2000 rads depending on the quality of the picture, it's correlation to the description of the species, and how it ranks compared to the other submissions!


Lord of Altera
Psst...I've got a Cardinal Dragon picture in the making...but does the competition still end at the end of February?


Lord of Altera
If this gets approved, then Aspen already has a giant cardinal as a pet. I'll reveal the secret soon, but keep in mind-nobody credible has ever seen or recorded seeing a cardinal dragon. They're not well known, and those who know of them seldom believe they're real. They're one of those legends people hear and roll their eyes at.


Lord of Altera
If this gets approved, then Aspen already has a giant cardinal as a pet. I'll reveal the secret soon, but keep in mind-nobody credible has ever seen or recorded seeing a cardinal dragon. They're not well known, and those who know of them seldom believe they're real. They're one of those legends people hear and roll their eyes at.
Meaning: please keep your metagaming to yourself! :p


Lord of Altera
Which is why I loved drawing it. I've got the main body structure in, I'll colour soon and add a background; however I'll upload first.
Just gotta install ym Scanner Software


Lord of Altera

I tried to draw the giant cardinals. I really did.

But apparently I can't draw birds xD so here's your dragon!

Uploading to my artwork page too~