Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Pokémon Story RPG


Lord of Altera
This is going to play like a normal Pokémon game with all the TMs, HMs, boxes, and such, right?

Which HMs will we need to be concerned about? Just the Gen 5 ones?
And we'll be able to have multiple teams, not just six Pokémon, right?


King ForumStalker
HMs wont be an option, considering they were little more than an annoyance. There will mostly be boats to travel across water and any sort of obstacle is not limited to being cleared by one move.


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
HMs wont be an option, considering they were little more than an annoyance. There will mostly be boats to travel across water and any sort of obstacle is not limited to being cleared by one move.
So say there was a small sapling in the middle of the road... would I be able to use my fire type pokemon's flamethrower (like everyone has wanted to do) to clear it rather than cut? :D


Lord of Altera
Can you change the "and grew up there for fourteen years" to "thirteen years" please? I forgot how old my character was -_-


Lord of Altera
So say there was a small sapling in the middle of the road... would I be able to use my fire type pokemon's flamethrower (like everyone has wanted to do) to clear it rather than cut? :D
Like on Pokemon Ranger? That would be cool.


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
And instead of teaching my water type pokemon how to swim through an HM, it would already know how? :eek:


King ForumStalker
And instead of teaching my water type pokemon how to swim through an HM, it would already know how? :eek:
Yeah, although their capabilities of carrying a passenger would be determined by which Pokemon it is, and it would take far more time than a boat. However if you had say a lapras or a wailord then yes.


The White Mage
MC Name: Matto225
Player Name: Matt
Player Age: 10
Standing: Neutral

Edit: Lapraaaaaaaas >.>
{I love Lapras...}


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Yeah, although their capabilities of carrying a passenger would be determined by which Pokemon it is, and it would take far more time than a boat. However if you had say a lapras or a wailord then yes.
Pfft. I'm peacing out. *send out azurill (yeah I know it's normal not water, it can still surf :p)* To Slateport my arm less terrestrial slave!


Lord of Altera
So what's going to be happening Itzza? Are you going to split us into groups, add them to our group, or just start again with everyone?


King ForumStalker
I'll just use a group of whoevers on when i;m willing to do it and go from there. For the sake of balance i'll organise it so that everyone stays roughly around the same level, but you can gain extra levels by completing storyline stuffs.

It's all very much WIP


Lord of Altera
Will you post the times that you're available and then the rest if us can plan accordingly?

EDITED: Awful grammar... I'm tired...


Lord of Altera
Sorry to keep pressing the details, but I'm really getting into this.

What Gen 5 level up set are we using, Black & White or Black 2 & White 2? There are some pretty major differences between the two.....