Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished The Alteran Ball {Peaceful Event}


We demons of our solemn hour
Jester inc. Presents
Honey moon and elves.
You ride a rocket to the moon while kicking a beehive to get honey in a elf costume.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Competition I see?

*takes out his torch and sends inquisitors to burn down the entire thing*

Where were we...? Ah yes, that would be fifty thousand.


Retired Staff
I would attend, if it wouldn't be on may 5th, it's a national holiday here (liberation day?), and I'm planning on spending that day somewhere at a festival, listening to awesome music, singing along, and drinking a few beers with some friends, so I'm sorry to miss out on this :(.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Fifth of May is actually an interesting date now to think of it :O
Germans surrendered because Chuck Norris was born /._./


Lord of Altera
This is 11pm for me...

I could've done this if it wasn't 11pm for me and I didn't have to get up early to go on a trip the next day <.<