Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished The Alteran Ball {Peaceful Event}


Lord of Altera
If we're going to be grammatically correct Polo, you missed out a capital letter and a full stop.

Also, you were partly right about brackets the other day; I did some research (because that's what I do) into brackets and parenthesis and found that a space is needed before the bracket and if it's at the end of a sentence then there's two spaces before punctuation (cool, eh?) .



Lord of Altera
Can I dare you to do that at the ball?

Do any characters actually have any experience whatsoever at dancing? I'm interested.

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
Relt knows! But I'm not sure how I'd pull it off in RP
And so does Sig, but same again
And Thrall pretty much knows everything Relt does... But again, not sure how to RP it...


Lord of Altera
I know the theme is blue for girls, but ghosts have a blue tint right? So I could bring back my old char in the wedding gown she never got to wear cause she died before her wedding? I know it's white, but she's dead and all so I'll make her all blueish... :)


I want go as Nakat
You need an application for that, remember ;)

I know the theme is blue for girls, but ghosts have a blue tint right? So I could bring back my old char in the wedding gown she never got to wear cause she died before her wedding? I know it's white, but she's dead and all so I'll make her all blueish... :)
Sorry to tell you Kimy, but ghosts are not lore-likeable :3
That's why there is no Ghost of Gromm anymore.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
You need an application for that, remember ;)
Let the Nakam Loremasters handle that. If you want to say things like this, make sure you are up-to-date with the Nakam threads.

Here they are!
{Questions and Answers} - Ask questions to clarify the Lore!
{Lore} - All the official lore can be found here (ORGANIZED)
{The Art} - Ever wondered what the Nakam looked like?
{Applications} - How to play a Nakat. All the current Nakam.


Let the Nakam Loremasters handle that. If you want to say things like this, make sure you are up-to-date with the Nakam threads.
Staff are all loremasters, Nakam masters, seekermasters, pluginmasters...
...Am I wakermaster?

I'm sure you got this already, but what he means is Apollo is already a Nakitty. ;)
Sorry Apollo, I must have misread. Again.


Surely I can be a ghost just for one rp event? Don't take this from Ciri!
I don't have a choice in the matter, Kimy...
Because I ain't lore team :3
Nor am I any team, really. I'm Waker team. The worst team. ghosts D:
Oh, but you can have zombies, me thinks.


Lord of Altera
Zombies...oh god...why...noooooooooooooooooooooo!*plunges himself into the deepest, darkest corner of the Nether* I ain't comin' out!