Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some changes in the new world. [Please read]


I think I might like it here
maybe instead of air baloons we could use horse stables, each stable would bring you to the stable set up in the town.


Lord of Altera
Hey, I've got another question regarding to moving over things during the exodus. Can we request specific locations for our things to be moved to?
Yes, that's how the last one worked at least xD. There was a view of the map and the map was edited to show where other towns had chosen to move.


The Kingdom Crusher
I believe it's due to Queen Grief laying claim to the current world, and there for we have migrate somewhere else. Might be wrong though.


Carpet Monkey
hmmm, well so far the lords and crown are planing to attack grief instead of getting overrun, how about you all wait for the roleplay-event to start? ;)


Carpet Monkey
no clue. maybe harateth has a new visit, i heared he is pretty close to the queen xD

no realy, plenty of possibilitys, i say we can just sit back and relax ;)


Carpet Monkey
though iv the gods intervene maybe someone should warn albareth beforehand this time xD looks pretty lame if the head of the church can't see such things comming, ppl could start to wonder why we even need them =0
{hehehe, my plan to crush albareth is working well}


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Peasants' belief: The original Gods got angry with Alterans for trying to get to close to their dwelling in the heavens, so blew all of the ships from the sky.
Actual Sciency Reason: Something to do with air density...


Retired Staff
Science-y: The new world has some fundamentally different physical constant that forbids air travel.

That or the tech-lock prevents them from ever taking off.