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~The RE-RE-Reopening of Abbey's Skin Shoppe

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Lord of Altera
So.. I did adjust the hair slightly by adding some depth and texture. I also did darken the skin tone due to the fact of his 'skin' aging. It is a little bit on the red side. Tell me what you think! :)

Syr 2.png

Syr Shot After.png
Syr High Inquisitor.png
It gives him a slight be more 'oomph' to his look. He looks slightly older. Let me know if you need anything else.


So.. I did adjust the hair slightly by adding some depth and texture. I also did darken the skin tone due to the fact of his 'skin' aging. It is a little bit on the red side. Tell me what you think! :)

View attachment 25523

View attachment 25521
View attachment 25520
It gives him a slight be more 'oomph' to his look. He looks slightly older. Let me know if you need anything else.
It's saying I don't have permission when I try to click the attachments. :C


Woaaah, I love it! Thank you! I'm online right now if you want to come on so I can pay you.
Also, do you want me to delete my previous messages except for the order so it doesn't clog up the thread?


Lord of Altera
Name: Rianna Jinx
Age: Late Teens
Race: Human
Skin Tone: errr.. Rose ..? ((I wanna say white >.< ))
Gender: Female
Eyes: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length (Short/Mid/Long?): Long
Facial Hair: ... NONONONONONONNNO :p
Clothing Desciption: A White poofyish shirt under a leather vest
Extra (scars? RPing chains?): If you want.. Parts of her hair is braided with Gold chains braided in..
New?/Edit?/Tweak?: I am willing to pay for a original skin, I have the moniez for your shop I'll let you decided ;)
((Here is my old skin for reference It is not original but I dunno if it could help you get ideas))
Thanks... Megadonkey30 Edit: I just realized I forgot to tell you what I wanted.. You can change around anything you want.. but I found this skin on skindex and would like more original skin, also could you add more details where ya can..? If ye 'avn't made me skin.. can it be less piraty.. if ye made it by now its ok :D



Lord of Altera
Name: Rengar Duskhowl
Age: 48
Race: Human
Skin Tone: Northern/pale
Gender: Male
Eyes: Mystic purple
Hair Color: Blond
Hair Length (Short/Mid/Long?): Short and untidy
Facial Hair: A short blond beard around his jaw/mouth area. ( look at my avatar )
Clothing Desciption: Steel armor with a silvery hint. Its Rengar's "Silvercloak Commander Armor"
Extra (scars? RPing chains?): Nope, look at my avatar :D
New?/Edit?/Tweak?: Guess not...?
What I want: I want a skin fitting for the commander of the silvercloaks. Basicly a fancy looking armor skin :D If you think its possible some kind of cloak would be cool too ^^ No helmet, I want his booootiful head to show :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
~Update: Can edits have what they want message? It helps me sooo.. much!
An edit of Nwalme's clothing, so that instead of the current robe and blue clothing, he's wearing his white, silk clothing. Long-sleeved, meticulously and immaculately maintained.... That, and Nwalme's long hair actually visible, in the current skin I have to tell people that Nwalme's hair is well-over shoulder length.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Name: Marcus Helix
Age: on the verge of 40
Race: Human
Skin Tone: Pale White
Gender: Male
Eyes: Piercing Green
Hair Color: Long and Black, slicked straight back and down
Hair Length (Short/Mid/Long?): Long
Facial Hair: Goatee/Mustache combo (See Avatar Picture)
Clothing Description: Dark Robes with Red and Gold highlights (see Avatar Picture) However I want the Hood of his robe unworn so that his face is visible.
Extra (scars? RPing chains?): Burn scars on the right side of his lower cheek and neck
New?/Edit?/Tweak?: I'd like a brand new skin please.
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