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Game of Thrones [No Book Spoilers, but filled with TV Series Spoilers!]


Burner of Worlds
I've read all the books and I still can't keep track of the TV episodes. I have literally no idea who any one is. Except Joffrey.


Lord of Altera
I don't want to sound like an arrogant book reader, but some of the changes made in this season are just annoying. They have made Edumure Tully come off like an complete idiot, in the books he's not. The stuff with Gendry? He stays with the Brotherhood, and Edric Storm is taken to Dragonstone. But most importantly the stuff with Theon, at first I liked it, but his story is not moving any way and is becoming a filler for the show.


Lord of Altera
Can I just say, as a book reader. None of you are prepared for the next episode Rains of Castermere, the sheer shock you will get is unbearable.