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Game of Thrones [No Book Spoilers, but filled with TV Series Spoilers!]


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff

What the- Oh my god. Just watched it. Not happy. The Starks were my favourite house :(
At least John, Aria, and Brann are still alive and kicking, three of my favourite characters, alongside Tyrion and Jaime.

I wonder if John will survive the torrent of revenge his wife/partner will bring down on him for leaving her with the wildlings :p

Also, I hope we get to see more of Brann's mind magic. That trick with the wolves gave me goosebumps.

All in all, amazing, but very traumatic episode. I suppose I should have expected it, but when Jaime and the Maiden Fair escaped from the bear in a couple episodes back, I thought that perhaps Martin would be more careful with his characters from now on.

I was very very wrong.

Edit: Killing Rob's wolf was just pouring salt onto the wound... I thought Aria would save it :(


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
*Knows all, even knows every line to the Rains of Castamere*


The Arbiter of the Gods
Jstar... I strongly request that if you're just going to brag about your knowledge of Game of Thrones you leave this thread... No hate intended, but I don't really like it... We get it, you read the books.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Just asking if you knew is all... But as I am clearly not wanted I will unwatch the thread and not look at it again, sorry.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Just asking if you knew is all... But as I am clearly not wanted I will unwatch the thread and not look at it again, sorry.
Hey, it's all right, it's just that I personally don't really like people constantly saying they know what will happen next.


Lord of Altera
Seemed to me like a very rushed and cramped finale. It was good but they tried to fit too much into that time frame, it would have been great if it was like a two hour finale.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I actually have to disagree myself. I quite liked the finale which wrapped up everything it needed to and was very informative. They couldn't have added much more action because the Rains of Castamere episode was just so much of a shocker they had to calm everyone down a little at the same time continuing with the story. On one side I can see where you're coming from but on the other I'm pretty pleased with what they did.


I agree with Polo. I got halfway through and I thought, wow this is lasting ages. Because they fit so much in.

on another note:

Shaking a sausage.gif
Ramsay Bolton is a complete LEGEND one of my favourite characters so far.