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Game of Thrones [No Book Spoilers, but filled with TV Series Spoilers!]


Lord of Altera
I dunno what happend. TELL ME

>Walder Frey holds wedding
>Robb, his wife, and his mom show up
>Katlyn sits by Roose Bolton
>Some guy closes hall doors
>Suddenly everyone is getting stabbed and crossbows are firing every which way
>Robb, his wife, and his mom all die.

The end.

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
> Walder Frey holds wedding
>Robb, his wife, and his mom show up
>Katlyn sits by Roose Bolton
>Some guy closes hall doors
>Suddenly everyone is getting stabbed and crossbows are firing every which way
>Robb, his wife, and his mom all die.

The end.
(I've not seen the episode but I had a general idea that something like that would happen.) I'm pretty sure you missed a "The Rains of Castamere plays." Between Some guy closes hall doors, and the stabbing.


The Anime loving Brony
Oh, is that was this episode was? :D
Yeah, that was a real "What the hell just happened" moment in the books (at least for me).
Is that the series over now? I haven't seen this series (just the first 2 episodes), and I want to marathon it.


The Arbiter of the Gods
Just watched the episode...
I don't like this any more... But I NEED MORE!!!!

Also, now that Starks are out of the game, my eyes turn to miss Calisi and her badass army and city. Hats down, ma'am, hats down.
And though I hate Lannisters even more now, I must admit that was a beautiful move from their side.


Lord of Altera
Oh my. My focus is on the Tyrells. Realistically they are the only ones in Westeros who can give the Lannisters a taste of their own medicine (apart from the Lannisters themselves of course...)


Lord of Altera
This is George R.R. Martin, not only expect the unexpected, but expect death and lots of it... I think that will be my motto when watching the show from now on. (I haven't read the books before anyone thinks this is a spoiler or something)


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Can someone post some pics of puppies and kittens. That was stressful.