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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
So I decided to rewrite Nwalme's profile over the course of about an hour and a half. I'll probably finish the backstory some day.


Would you... like to be.. my Demon...?

*crosses her arms and taps her feet* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Right and so, I think I finished the backstory, and also some updates. I feel quite happy, actually, that I'm pretty sure I wrote enough of the backstory whilst also leaving out most of the bits in regards to why Nwalme is such a bitter, paranoid, cynical... impassive, apathetic... manipulative... arse-hat.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Bit of a disclaimer for the sake of disclaimers. I wrote this in a single draft, over the course of roughly half an hour, much like Nwalme would of. It's vague on purpose, and there may either be or may not be more entries to this new journal depending on Nwalme's mood in the future.​
Am I Evil?

I write this entry with a bittersweet recollection of how a long-forgotten entry to a different, burned journal began as well. The difference between that I was neither stabbed nor having teeth replaced, but currently I have what will likely be a lasting scar, and am also currently in a cabin of a fairly sizable ship which I have bought my passage aboard. I write by candlelight, as I did before, and I write almost entirely simply to occupy my thoughts with something other than the substantial pain that is a jagged cut from my cheek to my lower chin.

Unlike before, I also write to record my thoughts of a recent funeral I took part in to bury a close friend of mine; it is remarkable that some people worship such beings that would animate the corpse of such a man simply to torment his loved ones. And as I write that statement I also realize that that is simply the way of our world. A powerful being whose intentions are ambiguous torments his underlings for his or her own amusement, but I suppose the gods think little of us lesser beings, and simply find it quite hilarious that we worship them at all. That said, there are very few recollections of my own goddess gracing us underlings with her presence- gracing us with anything at all, except that her supposed love for us is the only thing that keeps our crops from flowering during the time of the waning Summer, and though this is more debated, who thaws us from the icey embrace during the days of the waxing Summer.

On an unrelated note, I feel content to record my thoughts on a somewhat complicated subject that I have been considering for the past moon or so, most especially during my travels to Hound-Ru wherein I was no occupied with memorizing the contents of the Book. Am I evil? Now, that brings the thought to my mind of a handful of long-dead philosophers whose thoughts on the subject of evil are that, strangely, no one is good nor evil. Or paradoxically that we are both. There is a valid argument that evil is infact a matter of opinion, and like most opinions can change quite drastically for any number of reasons. After all, who wants to join a war against supposedly good, holy forces? Now, I suppose that brings to mind the memory of my spreading of speculation presented as fact that the High Church is led by a false Arbiter. To be fair, it is entirely plausible, but I myself doubt it. In my personal experience, I do most certainly believe that it is entirely possible I am infact a very evil man. After all, I resort to back room politics and Riddleport intrigue before I begin to contemplate more noble methods. But again to play as Kilrox's advocate, I did attempt such things in my younger days and they never worked out in my favor.

To expand on that subject even further, by my personal definition of evil I am not such a thing, because matters of opinion can only rarely be actually wrote down as legitimate fact. "Evil" and "good" are actually, as I said before paradoxically, the same. Whether I am evil or not will vary from person to person, some will believe me to be a good man of many positive traits and a product of a remarkable change considering my questionable upbringing. On the opposite side of the issue, there are a number of people who undoubtedly consider me to be the spawn of Grief and wish me nothing but a slow, crippling death that would tear my mind apart so thoroughly that the Blessed Sisters would be unable to bring me back.

I need more time to contemplate this subject, now that I think about it.

Nwalme Fuvur the Silvertooth, for the Glory of August and the Profit of Cromarcky.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
gods if only we could get the rest of the server to sit down and contemplate their alignment like you have. I love the fact that your character doesn't truly know what he is, but has thought long enough to know that his apparent alignment differs depending on who views him.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Wee, journals~​
What do I intend to do?

I've honestly lost track of what my goal in life is, at this point. Surely, I tell myself that I intend to settle down with a wife and a family, but is that truly my goal when I keep pushing myself further and further from it?

Could it be that these contingencies I've put in place against an irrational noble or some sort could also be expanded to be put in place to defend my theoretical wife, and keep my also theoretical children safe? The network of contacts and my skill in regards to swordsmanship could be. But then again they also present quite a blatant flaw to my current lifestyle. A wife is quite an obvious feature to one's person, and in most cases one that could quite easily be killed or disfigured in an attempt to torment me personally. And as my past has shown me, I am not capable of hunting down masked, anonymous men despite my efforts to do so. If that were honestly an issue with me, I would not still be chasing women in my spare time, however.

This is quite legitimately a good question to ask myself. Do I want inner peace? Security, a stable and reliable source of coin? Quite honestly, the latter sounds outright boring. If I wanted that, I wouldn't of convinced Magnus the Old to appoint me as a priest, nor become so close to such an untrustworhy friend such as Marcus of Arcturus. If I am the content type, I would of been content to stay as a humble peasant guarding the streets of the Silver Port with a sword made entirely of iron, and low quality iron at that.

Is it that I cling to these little successes in the uncertainty of life like my daughter clings to Albareth and the rest of the Inquisition? Is it that I love them, and that I'm simply followings the teachings of the Holy Mother by staying steadily on this path? Do I do it to please Marcus and further advance the position of Cromarcky in this world?

I really do need to consider this more at some point.

Nwalme Fuvur, for the Profit of Cromarcky and Glory of the Coalition