Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Question: What would you like to see on Hollowworld?


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
the server has people limits, so even if I could muster up enough guards to protect non August villages they could still foil my plans by just having enough people online so only a small amount of HRs army can actually join the server,
THIS is a problem I've found.

There is one fundamental flaw in this server. We cannot possibly raise an army. There simply are not enough people online at any point, too many players live in time-zones, and the few players who are online at any point end up being on a great many different sides.
Armies, under these conditions, consist of about 5 soldiers at best.

I say, what we REALLY need for the server is a way to deal with this.
We could pretend we have an army, though that would be difficult as people would make it up without any logic to it (An army 50,000 strong, despite them having no farms, hence no food).

// IDEA //

Someone makes a mod for the server, where players can deposite wheat and weapons/armour in to a chest or something, and then it will create soldiers for that House/faction!
In doing this, groups that should logically have an army will have an army, and those that couldn't maintain an army won't have one!


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Someone makes a mod for the server, where players can deposite wheat and weapons/armour in to a chest or something, and then it will create soldiers for that House/faction!
Come to think of it, this could give House-funds more of a purpose than just taxes and collection by Heirs/Leader.
You could use money to train the troops or for upkeep.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff


The Kingdom Crusher
When it is, I'm devoting all my effort to it. I was raised on RTS since I was three (not good, though), and it'll be sooooo cool ;-;


Lord of Altera
:( that makes me so sad.
There are some fantastic mobs in the former, and the latter is just a lot of fun what with creating new worlds and popping into them.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Good stuff
This is all quite true and fun, but as you say, everyone in the server would have to agree to it. Which they won't.
Sounds like you want to make it into a full on Factions/PvP server.
This is an RP server over anything else. RP attack towns, RP occupy towns. If you fear metagaming, agree on how many guards there will be before attacking. ;) All can be done without staff setting it up.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
HollowKingdom sounds awesome, hopefully it's implemented.
I'm to assume Legion was referring to HollowKingdom?
I'll have to keep an eye on that thread, it seems things are always being added and I don't notice it until someone points it out.

I like the idea though; it sounds good, fun and will sort out a lot of RP problems caused by lack-of-players.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
In regards to everyone saying stuff about political RPs and wars and such:
Gandhi tried to get all Indians involved in the first Satygraha, which lead to the burning of a police station and killing of 30 police officers.

He also offered to go on peace-talks with Hitler on behalf of the British (Both were his enemies at the time). I think you can all see how that would have ended, had he gone. He was a pacifist, he was also an idiot.


Retired Staff
Gandhi tried to get all Indians involved in the first Satygraha, which lead to the burning of a police station and killing of 30 police officers.

He also offered to go on peace-talks with Hitler on behalf of the British (Both were his enemies at the time). I think you can all see how that would have ended, had he gone. He was a pacifist, he was also an idiot.

So? Does that devalue his words in this context at all? He wanted change. He made change happen.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Gandhi tried to get all Indians involved in the first Satygraha, which lead to the burning of a police station and killing of 30 police officers.

Which he did not want, the actions undertaken by others are not actions undertaken by Gandhi himself.

He was a pacifist, he was also an idiot.
I rather think Gandhi was a visionary, a vastly intelligent man who valued the betterment of many others over himself. That takes intelligence beyond imagination, and deserves to be recognized as such.



Retired Staff
Gonna start clearing up posts not directly about what you want to see in the server. This is not a discussion thread.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Which he did not want, the actions undertaken by others are not actions undertaken by Gandhi himself.
I rather think Gandhi was a visionary, a vastly intelligent man who valued the betterment of many others over himself. That takes intelligence beyond imagination, and deserves to be recognized as such.
I won't disagree there, he was a visionary... the problem was he expected everything to go the way he wanted them to. He expected everyone in the Satygraha to be perfectly peaceful, that everyone would support him.
He learnt from his mistake, the Second and Third Satygrahas consisted of far less people, and less brutal. But my point still remains, he didn't consider if things would go wrong.

Anyways. RERAIL. NAOW.


The Kingdom Crusher
Oh! I'd enjoy seeing expansion of off screen denizens, such as Giants. I'd love to raid a Giant's camp, though ;)

EDIT: And rewards for raiding.