Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Question: What would you like to see on Hollowworld?


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
If you could have /anything/ on the server (ie species, monsters, characters, towns, everything) What would it be?
I would like to see more ruïns that relate directly to the Lore. In this ruïns could be books, written by famous dead people so that scribes and librarians have more to puzzle upon. Books with clues to the lore, so that your character can discover this stuff without meta-gaming on the wiki. There should be books referring to the ruïns. It would be great if there are multiple people who wrote about this, so any future member can find the book (for instance in the royal library) Get enthusiastic and goes on a quest him/herself. I did this with Tahkul-Rimtar, but because it was not lore based, it was entirely a myth. It would be much cooler to be actual Lore. Like a hidden temple, Not as huge like 50 plots, but smaller. This temple may hold a book like the diary of Korog or any other god. As though it is a temple from forgotten times where this god used to live while they still roamed Altera. (or instead of a god one of those immortal kings).
So I suggest anything that causes a enthusiastic and scientific response from a player. A hint to the player that there is ACTUAL history on this server. Players that been before that have left their legacy. Mysterious stuff that only one or a few players know about. This would really improve many characters I think :)


Lord of Altera
I agree with Piratepoof, I'd love to have a separate world where everybody is in adventure mode where they could explore like treasure hunters. Instead of just having ruins with books there could be treasure, traps and even some parkour somewhere. You could name the different places and for instance say there will be a diamond sword in this ruin but you need to find it in 10 minutes or it'll disappear, so that with organized events people can't just take there time on everything and keep coming back when they die in traps.


Lord of Altera
Yeah, you know at the spawn as in old port silver in the pre-exodus world. Well you can get a quest where you gather meat by killing animals for the npc whom I think was called Bode if my memory serves me well, I'd love to see more named NPC's in random places with their own quests, and maybe some even harder quests that give better prizes, maybe even radiants as a reward.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Yea I cant help but say this but about 90% of these suggestions are things we are already planning :D


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Also after watching that little bit of Gandalf Vs Balrog. Gandalf says: "I'm the guardian of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of anor" or something simular. This gave me an idea. What if people will be able to get powers only if they devote their rp life to such a thing as guarding something. And after guarding it for a long time succesfully you will be given / have to find an item that gives you the power to become a wizard/giant/wiseman/warlord/anything. Be careful not to make it OP though, but it's cool to have prerequisites that only a few can have (like the lord of the rings has only 5 wizards)


Legend of Altera
I want to be the guardian of The Doom Lute! or something like that...
Just kidding
it would be awesome tought

Edit: I want a Bard University/Guild/School/College or something also <:3
maybe even I being guild master or something <:3


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
If we were to implement such a thing, remember not everyone would be able to guard something ^^

(I want to be a keeper of the holy sock ! :D )


Lord of Altera
Guardian of a ghost has a nice ring to it though... oh well, back to not de-railing this thread to avoid being eaten by the rerailsaurous...

I would love it if there was some way to have ships actually move, I know it wouldn't be possible really but if we could see the world moving past us I wouldn't mind waiting like 5 or 10 minutes to get somewhere.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor."

Just a small correction there, but in addition to what you suggested, I think that is one of the best ideas that has been suggested. As far as I'm concerned, my character will already be devoting his life to magic, and since I'm a patient person, I would gladly be a guardian of a temple or of a hidden treasure. It would be a fun task to do, and if I was rewarded with an RP item, such as a powerful staff, I would be further incentivized.
haha it's your post in the other thread about magic with the short video that made me watch it and come to the idea. Exactly your attitude is the kind I was thinking of! I'd love to RP with such a guardian as a scribe that explores the world :D


bodejodel said:
This is all quite true and fun, but as you say, everyone in the server would have to agree to it. Which they won't.
Sounds like you want to make it into a full on Factions/PvP server.
This is an RP server over anything else. RP attack towns, RP occupy towns. If you fear metagaming, agree on how many guards there will be before attacking. ;) All can be done without staff setting it up.
You are assuming I meant for there to be any PVP involved? I don't think I said so although perhaps I made sound that way but my idea was for 0% PvP and 100% RP.

Of course nobody would have to give region permissions, there is this thing called Roleplay that a few people have mentioned before. I also heard of this mystical thing called contribution? Instead of assuming things will be bad because you assume things would happen a certain way. Maybe contribute to the idea...hmm sounds kinda strange but maybe it's worth trying..

Edit: only the top bit was aimed at you bode ;)