Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Question: What would you like to see on Hollowworld?


Lord of Altera
What I mean by unique flower is that everyone wants to be special, also we have greylings, Capri, Earthspawn, etc. We don't need races, if you want to start something unique and cool make some new culture for a race that is already.
Jaaamess.... I am not trying to.. Offend (I dunno if this is the right word..) but from what I have seen, nobody wants to be the 'Oh yay I'm a special person and I can do this and this that you can't do'.. Which you seem to think people want to be. Nobody has been suggesting we make another like 5 races we have suggested one.. And also, if in any of this you may be referring to my angel suggestion (Which I don't think you were?) I wasn't exactly suggesting that I be this or that we open applications.. I was just suggesting over a period of time we select a few amazingly skilled RP'ers and give them an opportunity to have one of these characters..

Anyway, I really hope you don't take any harsh feels from dis.. (pleeaseee do nooot!) But thanks for reading anyways. :)


Lord of Altera
If you could have /anything/ on the server (ie species, monsters, characters, towns, everything) What would it be? Say /anything/ you like. We'll seriously look over all suggestions, from hoping to have more cooks and bards to wanting laser Giraffes. Nobody should say anything disparaging another idea, simply things they'd like to see that we don't have, or don't have enough of.​


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
About the reptillian race thingy. (Dun get me wrong I love this idea) Just putting it out there that there could be very uncivilised and.. Savage.. Ones of this race that cannot speak, they just grunt and growl like animals yet have slight more intelligence and are able to maybe hold a weapon of some sort or something.. Example pic:

Of course, they wouldn't look exactly like this or maybe slightly like this, I just wanted to show an example that could be worked off of. Also saying that this race of lizards would not be a core playable race, It could be like Nakam, that you need special permissions from so-and-so to be one. :) Also gonna say that (as I think Azur has said before somewhere on this thread) that these savage ones would make certain bodies of water unsafe for people. Thank you for reading this and I hope it was a good example :D


Well, Demons won't work well for players. Some of them just gave up as demon easily.


The Kingdom Crusher
I also believe it would be good if the Lore Team had a good system for people in medicine to find cures. My character will probably start looking into how to regrow cartilage on people so people can regrow noses/ears (as his partner lost her ears); however I can't see how he'd be able to start, let alone progress.


Retired Staff
I also believe it would be good if the Lore Team had a good system for people in medicine to find cures. My character will probably start looking into how to regrow cartilage on people so people can regrow noses/ears (as his partner lost her ears); however I can't see how he'd be able to start, let alone progress.

You can query the lore team as to if it can actually be done before you start, then give them updates on what your character is doing. You can receive feedback on success/failure and varying effects.


The Kingdom Crusher
You can query the lore team as to if it can actually be done before you start, then give them updates on what your character is doing. You can receive feedback on success/failure and varying effects.
You can? Wow, that's cool. I'll try testing on rats, though I hope I'm actually making progress and not shooting in the dark XP


Lord of Altera
Oh, I'd enjoy seeing Vampires and Werewolves being readded (with proper supervision and application, of course). Mainly so anti-monster things can pop up that don't revolve around darkbloodism :)

That would actually give us a reason to burn someone! (apart from possible darkblood :-P)
I would like to see a reptilian race like the Argonians from TES series as I did enjoy RPing in Morrowwind, Oblivion and Skyrim as a slave Argonian who escaped/was let free by slavers/or was never freed at all. Then again, you could just play as another race and have them be a slave but I like the idea of a whole race being subjectified to slavery ( unless there already is one and I'm just stupid ). Also the features that legion said but I would prefer for the race to be a reptilian and not some tiny furry thing or a big half-elephant man.


Lord of Altera
Two things:

One: I wish people would start playing as alternative races, more specifically Earthspawn and halflings. I think King Oguk will back me up here when I say, we literally only have 5 active members. If this is going to work we need people to become Earthspawn. I think the reason they don't want to become Earthspawn is because they think Earthspawn are all the same, which is simply not true. For example, my father Oguk is brutal and incredibly strong. His two sons are totally different. Oglub am strong and mighty, however humans can deceive him into not fighting. Oguk JR is intelligent for an Earthspawn and a truly good soul, he wants to help people. So you see, being in Earthspawn doesn't mean just being like a stupid ogre that has no personality.

Two: I want some things that nobody know about and people have to discover. For example, in the middle of some small unmarked island on the map there should be a cove, and in the cove there should be some vast amount of diamonds and stuff. Or some secret hut at the top of a mountain where you can learn how to master sword-fighting. I think these would be quite cool.


The Kingdom Crusher
Two things:

One: I wish people would start playing as alternative races, more specifically Earthspawn and halflings. I think King Oguk will back me up here when I say, we literally only have 5 active members. If this is going to work we need people to become Earthspawn. I think the reason they don't want to become Earthspawn is because they think Earthspawn are all the same, which is simply not true. For example, my father Oguk is brutal and incredibly strong. His two sons are totally different. Oglub am strong and mighty, however humans can deceive him into not fighting. Oguk JR is intelligent for an Earthspawn and a truly good soul, he wants to help people. So you see, being in Earthspawn doesn't mean just being like a stupid ogre that has no personality.

Two: I want some things that nobody know about and people have to discover. For example, in the middle of some small unmarked island on the map there should be a cove, and in the cove there should be some vast amount of diamonds and stuff. Or some secret hut at the top of a mountain where you can learn how to master sword-fighting. I think these would be quite cool.
I also vouch for more people to play Dwarves.

Also, I'm planning to add secrets to my territories ;)


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
There are secrets that people have to find out. its called magic, and everyones been yellin at me about it.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Two things:

One: I wish people would start playing as alternative races, more specifically Earthspawn and halflings. I think King Oguk will back me up here when I say, we literally only have 5 active members. If this is going to work we need people to become Earthspawn. I think the reason they don't want to become Earthspawn is because they think Earthspawn are all the same, which is simply not true. For example, my father Oguk is brutal and incredibly strong. His two sons are totally different. Oglub am strong and mighty, however humans can deceive him into not fighting. Oguk JR is intelligent for an Earthspawn and a truly good soul, he wants to help people. So you see, being in Earthspawn doesn't mean just being like a stupid ogre that has no personality.

Two: I want some things that nobody know about and people have to discover. For example, in the middle of some small unmarked island on the map there should be a cove, and in the cove there should be some vast amount of diamonds and stuff. Or some secret hut at the top of a mountain where you can learn how to master sword-fighting. I think these would be quite cool.
We did have like 22 of us at one point.

They were banned,
Quit the server due to disagree over certain things,
Changed character,
Joined Army. (Seriously why do so many Earthspawn come Soldiers xD)

As you said their are about 5 Earthspawn who are active and only 1 inactive who I know will DEFIANTLY return after his marine training. That's 6 of us. We really need more people to play Earthspawn. Shame is sometimes people become an Earthspawn, beat people up and annoy everyone then change character and it's the permant Earthspawn characters who get the blame.

Here's a recent example of angry, racist citizens:

Someone racially abuses Oguk Jr, he ignores them. They attack them so he beats them up and STOPS. Guess what, the person does it again, Oguk Jr fights back in self defence and guards attack him?!?

We need more members for strength in numbers, we are strong on our own but better in numbers. (Especially with random attacks on us from corrupt guards etc).


The Kingdom Crusher
We did have like 22 of us at one point.

They were banned,
Quit the server due to disagree over certain things,
Changed character,
Joined Army. (Seriously why do so many Earthspawn come Soldiers xD)

As you said their are about 5 Earthspawn who are active and only 1 inactive who I know will DEFIANTLY return after his marine training. That's 6 of us. We really need more people to play Earthspawn. Shame is sometimes people become an Earthspawn, beat people up and annoy everyone then change character and it's the permant Earthspawn characters who get the blame.

Here's a recent example of angry, racist citizens:

Someone racially abuses Oguk Jr, he ignores them. They attack them so he beats them up and STOPS. Guess what, the person does it again, Oguk Jr fights back in self defence and guards attack him?!?

We need more members for strength in numbers, we are strong on our own but better in numbers. (Especially with random attacks on us from corrupt guards etc).
I think you need to attract people who want to make new characters, maybe with an event? :p