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The Fall of The Inquisition


Lord of Altera
Without the Inquisition I honestly don't know what I'll do on Hollowworld anymore. Syr is the only character I've stuck with in months, and that's because of the Inquisition. It basically makes the character.
Same here. Thomas might start the Royal Cavalry, but even then he would still be incredibly hateful towards anyone from Arcturus or Cromacky. I don't want that.
I just want to point out...destroying any organization/town/group/person can have bad effects. For example, this is from the Inquisition's convo(Sorry if this upsets Mitch or Silver, I'll delete if I need to~) They obviously don't find it to be one of "The best RPs they've ever had". I just wanted to show what others aren't showing...So there.


Retired Staff
I just want to point out...destroying any organization/town/group/person can have bad effects. For example, this is from the Inquisition's convo(Sorry if this upsets Mitch or Silver, I'll delete if I need to~) They obviously don't find it to be one of "The best RPs they've ever had". I just wanted to show what others aren't showing...So there.

It hasn't been destroyed, it's been evicted from server-owned turf in a legitimate RP. The 'Quisition still exists, just now it's not in some basement.


Lord of Altera
Tell that to them. Honestly, how would you like it if you worked so hard to get to that position/amount/gloriousness, and it all came crashing down, and even if they can still "exist", doesn't mean they can even say: "I'm an Inquisitor", without being killed/captured/chased.


To be honest, it confuses me as to why people would join a church that has been founded during their lifetime over one that has been going for years and was the "official" one. The Inquisition was there to kill darkbloods and everyone knew that... So... Surely they would want to keep that going... It's like people wanting to be safe in Port Silver but then want the Silvercloaks gone...


Lord of Altera
To be honest, it confuses me as to why people would join a church that has been founded during their lifetime over one that has been going for years and was the "official" one. The Inquisition was there to kill darkbloods and everyone knew that... So... Surely they would want to keep that going... It's like people wanting to be safe in Port Silver but then want the Silvercloaks gone...
I believe Polo told me once, that the Inquisition wasn't there to be nice and make everyone happy, they had a job to do, and that's what they did.


Azur_Deathblade said:
I believe Polo told me once, that the Inquisition wasn't there to be nice and make everyone happy, they had a job to do, and that's what they did.
Exactly... It's like having a protective barrier that makes an annoying noise, and everyone wanting it removed.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
It wasn't the service they provided that our alliance wanted gone. It was the people who abused their position and privilege. The Church of Might now has that job. Finding and removing dark-bloods won't stop. It's just under new management.


Lord of Altera
If you guys can just check on the wall of text I wrote here:

I clearly state that it would be a good thing that the inquisitors and members of the old church come and have a meeting with me and other officials now in command. We do realize that a lot of your had their characters partly built on the Inquisition, and we want to give you an opportunity to continue your RP job, just under another name.
The Church of Might would be interested in keeping you in the Cathedral and instead as inquisitors, now as paladins, templars and vanguards of our church. It will be the exact same thing that with the Inquisition, except only now you won't answer to marshalls or an arbiter, but to commanders, the grand-master and the archbishop.


Lord of Altera
Don't you worry, we will have hunting parties for cultists and darkblood, in fact, i'll build a giant pyre somewhere near. ;)


Lord of Altera
Lover're basically saying: "Alrighty, so we toppled your church, took your home, threatened you with weapons, and now want you on our side"... :I Good luck?


Lord of Altera
Doesn't matter, again, you took the jobs and homes and safety of the Inquisitors, and destroyed it...


Lord of Altera
I highly doubt any member of the Inquisition would like to serve under the command of the people who toppled their church and burnt their archives.


Lord of Altera're basically saying: "Alrighty, so we toppled your church, took your home, threatened you with weapons, and now want you on our side"... :I Good luck?

I have nothing against you personally, azur, but you miss my point.
I don't need you. I am simply offering you a chance to continue RP as something i think you like doing. don't be bitter over everything, its all roleplay. If you don't want to continue working in the religious sector (meh, sounds like an economic thing xP), I won't restrain you and I'll have my own soldiers and paladins take over. however, it would be... unpleasant if you would just leave and try to attack us right after.. :/

Oh, and according to what happened yesterday evening, you're still technically in the Church's prisons, awaiting my offer...


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)'re basically saying: "Alrighty, so we toppled your church, took your home, threatened you with weapons, and now want you on our side"... :I Good luck?

I think they're trying to be civil.

Edit: On that note, you guys did sorta raze them over :D


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Valony, IC it does look quite remarkably as if we burned down the archives. We were overrunning the place at the time, it burned under mysterious circumstances, etc.