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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... I imagine the longer his journal goes on the more dear diary-esque it will become. :p

And to write properly, I need to get into that creative twilight between awake and asleep and not be busy RPing.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
It shall indeed be included at some point or another, most likely in the one I'll probably write some time tonight.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
His writing is very free-flowing and carefree during this entry, bordering the point of becoming sloppy. S'the BLarg's apologies that it is not the usual calm sort of entry nor in his usual amusing style. Mighta also removed some commas, put in italics and underlined some bits just t'further make it more like he woulda wrote it at this time.... He might also be being just a touch dramatic.


It has been years since I fell asleep in the embrace of another. I cannot recall doing it once with anyone I genuinely enjoyed the company of. My love, my passion. Happiness is a thing that is too rare to not write about it anymore. We are creations of love and passion, and I have been tormenting myself too long by not letting those emotions escape past the dark abyss of my heart and mind and be shown through my voice and actions. Love. Love. What else could it be called, if not that heavenly word that Sallana in her love and infinite wisdom has blessed us with? What have I done in my life that was not for love? What have I done if not to yearn, hope, pray for this mythical thing I've searched for all of my life- that I beseech- love?

Voluptuous. Voluputous, voluputous. I could sing I could dance, I could cry. I feel as if the past twenty years have never occured, my eyes are opening for the first time, I could die now and do so happily. I am a child love is being stupid together my goddess has graced me with love and kisses and I could write here forever and ever and never feel tired, exhausted nor hungry or any other emotion- disregarding that none of those are emotions.

I feel happy again.

Nwalme the Pious, for the Love of his Goddesses.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
This is the first time I've ever worried for Nwalme.
If that is the case, you should probably have been worried for Nwalme at least... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5 times before now, if I have not missed anything. :p
1 being a poetic failure, 2 being rather... terrifying, 3 being hilarious, 4 being rather sad, and 5 being... who knows~?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... He turns into an improved, enlightened version of himself which is infinitely more wise, vulgar, wine, strong, wine, witty, rum, and also his sight improves indefinitely, to the point that the ghostly clones of other people are suddenly visible- and he can easily point out how similar they look to those in attendance.

(I could go on and on and on...)


The Mogul of Cromarcky
If that is the case, you should probably have been worried for Nwalme at least... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5 times before now, if I have not missed anything. :p
Marcus has always thought Nwalme to be a very capable and resourceful person, so even in the more dangerous situations he's known Nwalme to be in, Marcus has never worried about him. Sure, there may have been some concern, but never truly worried.

I suppose it is good that Marcus doesn't know about these journals.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Marcus has always thought Nwalme to be a very capable and resourceful person, so even in the more dangerous situations he's known Nwalme to be in, Marcus has never worried about him.
We are speaking of very different situations, I fear.