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~Nakam - Questions & Answers~

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Lord of Altera
Could it possibly support some sort of armor?
Yes, I imagine any sort of hard armor, tight fitting garb might outfit the tail in a series of metal segments, possibly ending in a blade of somesort, but I don't imagine "Tail-Fu" would be a wide spread or useful fighting technique in the slightest, and any such armor would be for aesthetics, not battle :p
Most Nakat-made hard armor has the tail hugged against their body somehow under the armor, as to not allow any weakness from behind, though as I've said before, such full bodied hard armor is rarely used or made at all in Kavdek.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Awesome, thanks!



Lord of Altera
Here's a question. I was wondering if Native Nakam are fond of the use of Cat-nip? Do they think highly of it? Or are they completely oblivious to such a drug, or haven't even discovered, or cared for it? o;?


Lord of Altera
Here's a question. I was wondering if Native Nakam are fond of the use of Cat-nip? Do they think highly of it? Or are they completely oblivious to such a drug, or haven't even discovered, or cared for it? o;?
Well, considering that it doesn't grow on Kavdek, I'd say that most Native Nakam aren't even aware of it ._.
Those who are probably trade Verbali for a bit of it at times, and in those respects, I'd imagine it'd be seen in the same light as most drugs; alright in moderation, adequate for celebrations, but a nuisance if left unregulated and allowed to completely undermine someone's life.

Also would not a nakat lose it's balance without its tail?
Yep. Not completely, but without their tails, their digitigrade stance remains at a bit of a disadvantage, expect tail-less Nakam to walk with canes or other similar devices, or to walk with their knees extremely bent to lower their center of gravity >_>
That being said (jeez, I'll need to make a thing on tails now), Nakam are VERY aware of their tails. It isn't some ghost apendage that floats about it's own accord, it is a part of their body. You shouldn't expect to be able to lob it off in the midst of battle, it's just as difficult as cutting off a person's arm when their head is turned away. Spacious awareness and general bodily attention, or so to speak, the "sixth sense" of knowing when something is close to our own bodies applies to their tails just as it does everywhere else.
also tails are made of muscle and ligaments and such, not very easy to get it off with a single clean swipe, lest you be incredibly strong ._.

*gets to work on making all this make sense and organized into a tail section..*


Lord of Altera
Are any Nakam incredibly fluffy like some domestic cats?
And do any of them have those squished in faces like this fella-? ( natural breed by the way, not a defect- )


Lord of Altera
Are any Nakam incredibly fluffy like some domestic cats?
And do any of them have those squished in faces like this fella-?
It's already known that fur fluff and consistency can vary from Nakat to Nakat, Some have thick, long fur, others have short and sparser hair.
Though, as for the faces, as of the moment, no known village has "flat" faced Nakam, though some do have shorter muzzles than others. Let me look up some pictures for a "shortest muzzle" comparison..

BurmeseCatSleeping.jpeg This is about the shortest you'd see, not completely flat-faced, they still have a muzzle, though it's none too long :p

However, at longest, expect about this length


But, that is to say, that even though they may look all similar to humans, there are many more ways to customize your Nakat's face~
Long/short muzzles, big/tiny eyes, ear size, whisker length and direction, no two are alike~

(oocly, this decision is made because, well, there's no easy or good-looking way to make a flat-faced Nakat skin. I've tried T_T)


Lord of Altera
I have SO MUCH respect for how much time, effort, and, clearly, love you have put into making the nakam a sensible, scientifically plausible, and fun to RP species. If you ever go on to write a novel, short story, etc. using them (or if you write anything, really) then PLEASE tell me about it. Your love for your own work is visible in every aspect of the nakam, especially the sheer depth and beauty of their lore. Basically, thank you for everything you've done for this species; your dedication is inspiring.


Lord of Altera
I'm curious. :p How do Native Nakam create their bows? Do they use a sharp rock and gradually scrape away the wood? (aka carving,) Or? o:?


Lord of Altera
I'm curious. :p How do Native Nakam create their bows? Do they use a sharp rock and gradually scrape away the wood? (aka carving,) Or? o:?
Well, considering their primitivity, and due to the weapon's diversity in uses and immense wealth in aiding in one's survival, I'd say that carved bows from village crafters would be VERY expensive, something passed down within families, expensive >_>
Most bows would be largely home-made, very minimally carved and shaped branches of the trees which surround them, and wouldn't be meant to last past a few hunts before a replacement would be needed, and the bow would be used for kindling or perhaps as material to create another tool.
Though the families which use bows most (hunting, guard families) would more commonly have the earlier mentioned "master bows", while those who require less use of them would use the disposable kinds.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Details 'bout the Nakam mannerisms~? And how much is wrote about Kavdek and the Nakam in general in your average library~?


... Also, sorry if I missed it, but what's going on with the Nakam and the exodus. Do they have any clue at all what's going on, what with moving to complete different worlds?


Lord of Altera
Another question! :D How many Native Nakam are usually in a village?
I believe I mentioned this before, let me do a quick look-see~
...huh, guess I never gave a specific number.
Well, let's just take a look at what would be nessicary to form a "village" in the first place~ (keep in mind, I'm going on the assumption of one family per necessary trade, there could always be more, or less~)
You'd need a Guard family, a Hunting family, Crafters, which in themselves could be split into Carpenters, Stone workers, Tool makers, Weapon makers, Textile works, Farmers, Medicine people, So, to say, a "village" would have perhaps around 30-70 Nakam.

Could nakam furs sell for lots of monies on the black market?
Depends on who would want such a trophy, though aquiring such would be no easy task, and seeing as how the queen of the kingdoms accepts Nakam as people, killing them would still be considered Murder.

... Details 'bout the Nakam mannerisms~? And how much is wrote about Kavdek and the Nakam in general in your average library~?
Mannerisms? Didn't I include that somewhere? #_#
Lemme look my stuff up, I could add more to that~

As for knowledge known of Kavdek and the Nakam, you must remember that their culture as a species tends to be slightly Xenophobic, when compared to the millions upon millions living within the Kavdek island, perhaps only a few hundred thousand chose to go about the world themselves. This is to say that the lands are not unknown by the world, but deep knowledge of nearly every crevasse of Nakam life must be pieced together from multiple accounts, otherwise you may just get a Verbali shop owner ranting about how he used to cheat elves out of their money by giving them "special healing snow with a yellow aura of healingness", and not learn much of anything of the deeper culture surrounding the race.
So..There may be a few books on Nakam and their place in the world, but with the difficulty of applying for pass into the wilderness of Kavdek through the legal ports of Verbali, there wouldn't be that many.

... Also, sorry if I missed it, but what's going on with the Nakam and the exodus. Do they have any clue at all what's going on, what with moving to complete different worlds?
Information of the Exodus will come as it progresses, don't you worry~
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