Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Seers of Light


"On this day, I, Scardrac Dormus, with my trusted brother in arms, Gelyk Varyn, promise to provide justice as true and bright as Harateth commands and wishes."

SO. Today, Scar and Gelyk were chosen as the Champions of Harateth; Light. They both promise to stick true and prideful under his name. Here is what goes down:

Scardrac and Gelyk are given a full suit of pure gold armor. The armor is decently heavy, but remarkably harder to damage. The power of a longbow is about enough to dent it. It is also a slightly enhanced insulator against heat. The Con? (Besides being heavy.) Is that the Armor breaks instantly if they commit any action that is considered heresy under Harateth.

[Redacted. Gelyk and Scar no longer have the swords.]

I encourage the other champions to create threads like this so that we can all make RP more easier and clear when we RP together with the champions.

@Michcat Mind giving a seal of approval so players don't freak out?
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Oh, thats what you're calling yourselves?

Seal of approval indeed.

Mind you. Said shattering is more likely to kill you two then not.

Heresy whilst under Harateth:
+Inaction against any known worshipper of the Dark Gods
+Worship of any god that is not Harateth (No sisterhood pacts from yoou!)
+A concious day without prayer to Justice and Light (Lets see them RP prayers.)
+Failure to spread the word of the Lightbringer
+Obstruction of Justice
+The pursuit of unTruth
+Upon the release of the plugin for Worship, we better see a lot've worships from you two.
What Would Harateth Do?
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Dead Man Walking
*scribbles on thread* Skraag wuz here. *places thumb on nose and waggels fingers up and down* *pffffffft!*


Dead Man Walking
*stands, raising one hand high like a pro wrestler* you may worship the light! . . . but I can still kick ya where the sun don't shine! OOH YEEEEEAH!(macho man randy savage)


.. Still emotional shizznisswhere he specifically served under the evil gods and dragged a chain with heads spiked on it :p

Not that I'm saying you shouldn't be the champion - I've no real opinion. I just thought 'emotional shizzniss' was funny XD


Lord of Altera
Eh, quick question. Scardrac (the character not the account) was a demon; a servant of Queen Grief, the most evilest person in all of Altera. Harateth is the god of Good, so it begs the questions:
Why would Harateth entrust an ex-demon to be his champion?
Why would Harateth, the god of Nobility, let some-one who worked for Queen Grief wear "unbreakable" armour?
Did Scardrac (character) not still kill people and be pure evil even when he wasn't a demon? I know he was hidden under mask but it was still him.

Also, just remember that Scardrac must be good at all times as Harateth is the main God of everything Good, so being his servant champion means that Scardrac must uphold Harateth's morals.


The answer? Obviously Harateth isn't such a 'good guy' after all.



i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Why would Harateth entrust an ex-demon to be his champion?
Why would Harateth, the god of Nobility, let some-one who worked for Queen Grief wear "unbreakable" armour?
Did Scardrac (character) not still kill people and be pure evil even when he wasn't a demon? I know he was hidden under mask but it was still him.

Also, just remember that Scardrac must be good at all times as Harateth is the main God of everything Good, so being his servant champion means that Scardrac must uphold Harateth's morals.

These are very good questions, I urge you to investigate them ingame!