Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Seers of Light


OKAY. A misunderstanding was given. It is not a fault on anyone's part.

For one: The armor is not 'unbreakable'. Instead, it is simply very hard to puncture or dent. The force of a longbow is enough to dent it.

As for the fire. The armor is a good insulator, but it does not have ungodly protection from fire.

They no longer have the swords at the moment.


Lord of Altera
Even if it were unbreakable, I wouldn't understand all the fuss about it, as the flesh beneath it is not...
But yeah... i'll stop here so no one gets any meta-ideas on how to bypass it ;)


Non sum qualis eram
OKAY. A misunderstanding was given. It is not a fault on anyone's part.
For one: The armor is not 'unbreakable'. Instead, it is simply very hard to puncture or dent. The force of a longbow is enough to dent it.

As for the fire. The armor is a good insulator, but it does not have ungodly protection from fire.

They no longer have the swords at the moment.
Edit this into the first post please.


Non sum qualis eram
Harateth is also the God of Justice, the Justice of one may not be the Justice of many, unfortunately it's never specified if he holds grudges for past misdeeds.

We'd have to pull up some definitions of Good, but does anyone have any question as to why the God of Good also stands for Wealth and Nobility? Does that mean a peasant wouldn't be as Good as a Noble?

Gods would mostly care about being worshiped and the spread of their name across the Realm, which then of course, if Good was judged based on worship and influencing others to worship, then your stance in the world would mean you were liked more than a peasant that worships daily.

Of course this is my personal view on it- to me it makes sense so I dunno bout everyone else.
good, justice, light, truth, law, wealth, order and nobility

This was from an edited section of the wiki, not the gods lore! This is why I don't like wikis!

Harateth has nothing to do with wealth, justice, nobility, etc!

His portfolio is exclusively Light, Truth, Order.

I haven't been policing every page of the wiki but feel the need to correct this one right away before it goes more out of hand.

Wealth is the provisio of Bilworth and Jax.

Good is really more the provisio of "Korigon" and Sallana, Justice the provisio of Rahas, we don't presently have a divine with a strong association with Law, and the more combative gods have nobility.

[I was seriously hoping to doublecheck + update the gods lore section this weekend.]
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Non sum qualis eram
good, justice, light, truth, law, wealth, order and nobility

This was from an edited section of the wiki, not the gods lore! This is why I don't like wikis!

Harateth has nothing to do with wealth, justice, nobility, etc!

His portfolio is exclusively Light, Truth, Order.

I haven't been policing every page of the wiki but feel the need to correct this one right away before it goes more out of hand.

Wealth is the provisio of Bilworth and Jax.

Good is really more the provisio of "Korigon" and Sallana, Justice the provisio of Rahas, we don't presently have a divine with a strong association with Law, and the more combative gods have nobility.
(And Harateth's portfolio slightly altered a long while back based on player actions.)


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
*Tugs on Naelwyn's sleeves.* Uh, Mairin and I are working on something... If you still want it- Godstuff and such...


I think I might like it here
I might not like Scardrac character in-game, but that's nothing more than rp. I do not take things out of game, and for this I shall defend him here.

It is not Scardrac fault that he received it, if anyone wants to do something about it do it in roleplay talk to the sun god and tell him these things about Scardrac, try to convince him there are better people. But there is no need to hound Scardrac about it as he had no influence in the decision.
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I think I might like it here
I don't think everyone means to be confused with him, I just think that everyone isn't sure why the God of Justice, Truth, and Order decided to pick a new follower instead of a dedicated one. But you do have a fair point, Sultan.
And I understand, the confusion, my character was also confused which made me post the thread Draco's Faith. But I shall not post on Scardrac fourm about why did the God choose you and not me or anyone else, il do this in roleplay meet the God in Val event and try to convince him otherwise, thats why Roleplay is great you have a million ways to react to this, some people might abandon the Sun God all together seeing him as weak or foolish, some people might be so jealous that they might start hunting these two down as they think they are more worthy. A lot of things but we should all remember to have a community we should not try to cause drama with others over role-play things make Drama in-game not out of game :>


Like I said. Stuff went down under the hood that the public doesn't know about. Why? Because I didn't tell people to encourage them to find out in-game if they truly want.


Lord of Altera
Ohgod...-another- secret-plot-that-is-confusing-but-great-at-the-same-time-that-we-all-love-and-hate.


Dead Man Walking
Behold, necromancy!!!

Anywho, I had a question about this stuff. I know that all the gifted items from the Gods have been taken away(that's what I've been told) or "the magic faded" but I never actually found out why. Anybody know? As far as I could tell, the gifts were meant to last as long as the recipient was able to keep them. But then there seemed to be some sort of disagreement in the staff and things were taken away. What happened?


Non sum qualis eram
Behold, necromancy!!!

Anywho, I had a question about this stuff. I know that all the gifted items from the Gods have been taken away(that's what I've been told) or "the magic faded" but I never actually found out why. Anybody know? As far as I could tell, the gifts were meant to last as long as the recipient was able to keep them. But then there seemed to be some sort of disagreement in the staff and things were taken away. What happened?
Oh, this one is simple - Items, especially those from long past, were inconsistently given out - by various people with drastically different understandings of the potential they should have and more importantly, without much record.

In order to make everything consistent and balanced, it needed a slate cleaning.