Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Vagabond


Coffee Enthusiast
Hip hoppity skippity skip
Relation stuff, added new category. Will add more major stuff, after classes!~


Coffee Enthusiast
Movin' on up to befriended! Score!
Watch out Som, I'mma be scoopin' your bf!

Edit: See, even Dayter agrees~
Anyways- I like to go through every once and a while, and pretty things up- Which I now did- So, minor updates here and there. :D

( Teensie relation oopdate. )
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Coffee Enthusiast
When Halt says 'halt', a person will stop.
When Dayter says 'halt' a whole army stops, pays Dayter tax, does anything else Dayter wants them to do then bow down claiming they are not worthy then arrest themselves if needed.
Why have I not seen this.
*Sadly looks towards the minimal space in his signature, frowning.*