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OOC info on why you're losing money


King's Hand
I am so confused right now. Just read the Same announcement on one of HWs-Offbreads. The only difference, they are getting richer, as in money falling from the sky.


Legend of Altera
I-uh. . . i am actually gaining money because i have the patience to walk. . .and uh yeah. . .so uhm. . yeah. .


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I am so confused right now. Just read the Same announcement on one of HWs-Offbreads. The only difference, they are getting richer, as in money falling from the sky.

Yeah, I've been informed. If you check the timestamp, theirs was posted after ours. Additionally, er, it word-for-word copies what I wrote.

I think its a... joke? I'd like to take this lightly and hope people realize this is tied into the Bilworth/Jax rivalry and has much to do with the actual campaign backmatter :)


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Yeah, what's happening? I can't come in game this week and I have over 4 million rads...


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Um, can someone please PM me details and explain whats going on? Just want to check a few things!

- Boulder
Yeah, what's happening? I can't come in game this week and I have over 4 million rads...
Hey guys!
This is tied in to "The Return" campaign - You can check out
{This Thread} for more information.

As outlined above in the OP, issues posed by this will be fixable through RP. I have also updated the FAQ of 'The Return' to detail part of the catalyst for this event, which is included below.

Hope that helps - let me know if there is anything else I can clear up.

Chapter Two was sparked by a summoning of Bilworth (The God of Wealth) that went... exceptionally.... badly.
It is the nature of the deities associated that brings about this particular effect.


Legend of Altera
I don't see how this would crumble economy. Money is only worth what we make it worth, so if everyone loses all their money, people will go back to trading tools and supplies, or just make a newcurrency
Darko is right. If rads disappear, realistically, people would just make a new currency or go to trading objects of different values.


Lord of Westray
Ok, so an RP event that only some people will be able to attend will affect what happens to all the hard earned wealth that players have built up over months and years (which was almost entirely done OOCly!!). If consequences to RP events are necessary, at least keep those consequences RP only.

As Bode mentioned, the two guys most likely to be hit negatively are not able to even attend the event... Bode can't come ingame all week and I am working on Saturday. Also, there are many forma of wealth, some people have all theirs stored as land for example so will they be affected?

Feel free to discuss further, by PM if you prefer.

- Boulder


Lord of Altera
Well the way I see it is: That money is eventually spent on something that is RP, whether it's a town, village, city, castle, items, food, etc etc. Whether people like it or not, money is RP. You can't just choose to have anything you want ooc and expect everyone else to follow the same standard, this is a Roleplay server after all, yes, you can pick what you see as RP and OOC, but all over the server? That's not your choice.

Money is RP.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Those who cannot make the event are free to run IC what not concerning it- Investigations on this, support for those seeking to fix things, general aid. I'm sure any efforts will contribute towards not-mucking-up :D

If people go in blind on Saturday, I honestly cannot make any promises.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Oh, I don't mind it being affected at all, I just could not find what was actually happening and I will be unable to do anything to save my precious coins. I have always treated my Radiants as RP wealth as in Neorey is a wealthy guy, not bodejodel. ;)
Do stored emeralds disappear as well, or just the radiants?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Oh, I don't mind it being affected at all, I just could not find what was actually happening and I will be unable to do anything to save my precious coins. I have always treated my Radiants as RP wealth. ;)
Do stored emeralds disappear as well, or just the radiants?
We'll see - That actually depends on how Ch.2 goes down.


Lord of Altera
Technically, dirt is a nonrenewable resource! If someone stole it all they run a huge dirt dealing operation.