Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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OOC info on why you're losing money


Dead Man Walking
Ok, so an RP event that only some people will be able to attend will affect what happens to all the hard earned wealth that players have built up over months and years (which was almost entirely done OOCly!!). If consequences to RP events are necessary, at least keep those consequences RP only.

As Bode mentioned, the two guys most likely to be hit negatively are not able to even attend the event... Bode can't come ingame all week and I am working on Saturday. Also, there are many forma of wealth, some people have all theirs stored as land for example so will they be affected?

Feel free to discuss further, by PM if you prefer.

- Boulder
I'll do my best to save your piggybank, Boulder. I know you worked hard on it. :heart:


Lord of Westray
Here we are on the OOC to RP argument again >_>
Knew something like this would be posted fairly quickly, just couldn't decide whether it would be Sally, Nael or Mich to write the post. :p

Moving on, what is actually being affected? Some folks have a wealth of land, will regions be reduced? How about House funds, emeralds, diamond blocks, chests filled with treasures? Seems odd to target just rads and emeralds which is what people seem to be assuming is happening when "wealth" can be so varied. Anyway, good luck with the event and hope a positive outcome prevails for all!

- Boulder


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Moving on, what is actually being affected? Some folks have a wealth of land, will regions be reduced? How about House funds, emeralds, diamond blocks, chests filled with treasures? Seems odd to target just rads and emeralds which is what people seem to be assuming is happening when "wealth" can be so varied. Anyway, good luck with the event and hope a positive outcome prevails for all!

- Boulder
Oh! I think I mentioned something on this above- But this IS only the beginning. Depending on how things go down decides the worlds' next step :D


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Question: Will everyone get their moneyz back if this succeeds or only those who were there?

Everyone will receive their money back, those who participate perhaps something extra.. (You don't have to make the event to participate!)

Additionally, everyone will feel the effects if this gets... Worse.


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Everyone will receive their money back, those who participate perhaps something extra.. (You don't have to make the event to participate!)

Additionally, everyone will feel the effects if this gets... Worse.
*is already going to crawfish thing ... fashionably late because event~*


Lord of Altera
I hope I get to participate....... And I will be fully willing to kill those gods if the mess with Azerports regions;)


Legend of Altera
Everyone will receive their money back, those who participate perhaps something extra.. (You don't have to make the event to participate!)

Additionally, everyone will feel the effects if this gets... Worse.
I won't be able to make it since i am going out of town, so how would i participate?


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
. . .Well. . . Uh i am a bit rusty on this but

Hi gurlfriieeeend, how do ma man help if he only has dem ~50 minetes to be on todae?
Lesseeee, we know two gods who are uncorrupted. One is Shally~ and the other is Babbyboots. Y'er a soldier/blacksmith. Make some blades/armor!


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
*goes all concilor stuffs on this*
Is the wealth of friendship affected?
Das funny.

Also guys, Port Silver Soup Kitchen is handing out free soups and stews to anyone who enters. I'm doing this OOCly because I imagined there would be more starving people... yah know, nobody being able to buy food and all, and not everyone being a farmer. Reeeeaaalism guys!


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
"I'd like a loaf of that delicious bread please"
"Ya' sur' ye can afo' tha' m'lowd?"
"Do you even know who I am? I'm your lord, Ayeras August - Prince of Hierax, of course I can afford it!" *grabs his purse*
