Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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OOC info on why you're losing money


Lord of Altera
Can anyone explain to me why all my stuff is gone? Not just my money, but my sword, a few assorted items, and all of my emeralds are gone.

EDIT: I wouldn't have posted it here if I'm not blatantly ignored ingame, which is frankly quite irritating now.


Lord of Altera
hrmm.. I'll have to check how long deathcontrol holds an inventory, hawkeye says you died on the 10th this month and shortly after noticed your inventory was gone.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I feel like the whole gods thing is a gigantic roulette on what will be done next.
"Spin the bottle, Nael dearest!" screams Sally.
Nael spins the bottle and it lands on 'replace Harateth with a puppy!'
They then go on to drink booze and party.

... My vision of how lore should be done is so cool...


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
You heard of "Cards against humanity", Polo?
They actually use them to determine what happens and to which god(s).