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Puppycat Herder
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You have to look at it through Therry's perspective.

She has no family or true friends bar Robert and Tybalt, whom she rarely sees. Lydel is her first home, EVER, and she's been there for about two weeks. She was promised safety and companionship by many people, telling her that Lydel was the best place she could possibly be in.

Then Scardrac happened and scared the living crap out of her, so she became rather defensive and scared of everyone. Starting having doubts about Lydel, and heavily considering moving away and finding Tybalt so that she can defend herself.

Then Elmond happened. Nearly murdered her RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER HOUSE. The ONE place she was told was safe.

Top all that off with a bit of insanity and not being to able to remember who said what, or why, and she is not only very scared and confused, but also extremely doubtful and worrying about Pip is the LAST thing she should be doing.
Eresse. Eresse is safe. If someone attacks Therry in Eresse... well, they're not allowed~ It's a Peaceful Settlement~


Puppycat Herder
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I honestly don't see how you say that and besides Som who acts like his big sister and it's her job, your the only one that says that over no given proof
Okay first :heart:

Second, Som gives reasoning.


Lord of Altera
And so it begins.

I have started working on a drawing of my character, now that she's snapped. Some minor changes have occurred.


Lord of Altera
Will be updating soon, with Therry's recovery. She will be ever-so-slightly more normal than she was during her recovering, but she will probably be insane... permanently. She can walk down stairs now, if that means anything.

Edit: Also drawing a better picture of Therry in drawing class. Will post when finished.