Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Portraits from HollowWorld


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
a quick question to all those watching my thread: Do you like the new way of photoshopping a background to the portrait, or should I go back to leaving the background plain? To make it simple for you to agree or disagree with, I'll make a statement, and you press agree or disagree:

I should continue adding photoshopped backgrounds to the portraits.

Agree if I should continue, disagree if I should go back to plain backgrounds.
Personally, I like them without the backgrounds, but it's whatever you want, you are the artist, :)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
I present to you,
don't let her looks fool you,
she's completely going crazy,
including voices in her head,
and a fishing hook in her ear...


The mad hatter's feedback was very useful, so I tried the light effects again :)



An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Well... 5 more drawings and I'll be celebrating my 100th drawing, that will be a big party drawing for sure! not sure how to celebrate that yet :/ xD

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
I present to you,
don't let her looks fool you,
she's completely going crazy,
including voices in her head,
and a fishing hook in her ear...

View attachment 46260

The mad hatter's feedback was very useful, so I tried the light effects again :)

I do love the lighting effect. I read a prom written by Douglas Adams once that he wrote in school about candlelight. It was beautiful, funny and smart. He wrote it to gain entry to to a literary club and was accepted. Here it is for fun :D

"A Dissertation on the task of writing a poem on a candle and an account of some of the difficulties thereto pertaining"

by Douglas Adams, January 1970

I resisted temptation for this declamation
To reach out to literary height
For high aspiration in such an oration
Would seem quite remarkably trite:
So I thought something pithy and succinct and clever
Was exactly the right thing to write.

For nights I sat musing
And musing ... and musing
Whilst burning the midnight oil;
My scratchings seemed futile
My muse seemed quite mute, while
My work proved to be barren toil.

I puzzled and thought and wrestled and fought
'Till my midnight oil was exhausted,
So I furthered my writing by dim candle lighting,
And found, to my joy, this of course did
The trick, for I flowered,
My work - candle-powered –
Was inspired, both witty and slick.

Pithy and polished, my writing demolished
Much paper, as I beguiled
Myself with some punning,
(My word play was stunning,)
I wrote with the wit of a Wilde.

At length it was finished, the candle diminished,
I pondered and let my pride burn
At the great acclamation, the standing ovation
Its first public reading would earn.

But lost in the rapture of anticipation
And thinking how great was my brilliant creation
I quite failed to note as I gazed into space
That incendiary things were about to take place:
That which had ignited my literary passion,
Was about to ignite what my passion had fashion'd.

And - oh! - all was lost in a great conflagration
And I just sat there and said 'Hell and damnation',
For the rest of the night and the following day.
(My muse in the meantime had flitted away
Alarmed, no doubt, at the ornamentation
My language acquired with increased consternation.

So unhaply the fruits of my priceless endeavour
Are lost to the literary world forever.
For now I offer this poem instead,
Which explains in itself why the other's unsaid.
-Douglas Adams, age 17

Because you seem very receptive to input here is a tip my favorite art teacher drilled into my head. When doing shading or photorealistic type portraits, lips don't have bold lines. Use shading to define the contours of your lips. The opening of the mouth has lines, and the top of the lip can be a fineline but the bottom should be defined through shading and unfinished lines. Let the mind fill in the gaps. Take a similar approach with hair. Draw the highlights not the individual hairs, apply liberal blending techniques with less defined lines for a more natural look :D

I love the picture regardless :D I especially like that I can make better eye contact with her than with most people I meet on the street. You have a talent my friend, don't stop believing ;)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
That is one awesome poem, it is written in with the same background thoughts (I believe) as this one. It was written by the Dubliners. Like your poem, it is a funny thing. Instead of writing the actual great poem, you write about what happened. Here too, instead of saying you're sick from work, you tell the whole story: "The Sick Note". If you like, look it up on youtube where the Dubliners perform it :)

Dear sir I write this note to you to tell me of me plight,
And at the time of writing, I am not a pretty sight.
Me body is all black and blue, me face a deathly gray.
And I write this note to say, why Paddy's not at work today.

While working on the fourteenth floor some bricks I had to clear.
Now to throw them down from such a height, was not a good idea.
The foreman wasn't very pleased, he being an awkward sod.
He said I'd have to carry them down the ladders in me hod.

Now, clearing all these bricks by hand, it was so very slow.
So I hoisted up a barrel, and secured the rope below.
But in me haste to do the job, I was too blind to see;
That a barrel full of building bricks was heavier than me.

So when I untied the rope, the barrel fell like lead.
And clinging tightly to the rope I started up instead.
While I shot up like a rocket, to my dismay I found,
That halfway up, I met the bloody barrel coming down.

Well, the barrel broke my shoulders as to the ground it sped,
And when I reached the top, I banged the pulley with me head.
Well I clung on tight though numb and shock from this almighty blow,
And the barrel spilled out half the bricks fourteen floors below.

Now, when these bricks had fallen from the barrel to the floor,
I then outweighed the barrel, and so started down once more.
Still clinging tightly to the rope, I sped towards the ground.
And I landed on the broken bricks that were all scattered 'round.

While I lay their groaning on the ground I thought I passed the worst,
When the barrel hit the pulley wheel, and then the bottom burst.
Well a shower of bricks rained down on me - I hadn't got a hope.
As I lay there moaning on the ground: I let go of the bloody rope.

The barrel then being heavier it started down once more,
And landed right across me as I lay across the floor.
Well it broke three ribs, and my left arm, and I can only say;
That I hope you'll understand why Paddy's not at work today.

Thanks a lot for the hints! I will try the shading of the lips and the hair. I've always thought the lips were the hardest and have had the tip to remember they are rounded, not flat. That worked to some extend, but this outlining tip will be of great use! :D