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Book Review .:Pendragon, Book One:The Merchant of Death.:


Lord of Altera

So, before I get to my opion on the book, I'd like to summarize what happened in it:

-Main character is Bobby Pendragon.

-Bobby's friends are: Mark and Country.

-Bobby soon is visited on his 11th birthday by his Uncle Press, telling him that he needs to come with him. (Right before a big basketball game D:)

-Bobby follows Press, and the readers meet Saint Dane, the bad guy.

-Saint Dane makes some poor, homeless dude jump infront of an on-coming train. (Owch!)

-Press and Saint Dane fight, Bobby runs and gets into the portal.

-Press gets captured, Bobby blacks out. Bobby wakes up, finds Loor, a female warrior.

-Bobby discovers that the tribes people mine this rare ore, but the fumes from the ore will kill you in a month or so. (Yikes)

-Bobby also discovers the Sparta Pit! In which people get kicked down and die!

-Bobby also goes to the Castle, which is full of fat people, stuffing their faces, listening to music, and sitting around all day.

-Bobby meets the Queen, and also Saint Dane, in which Bobby tries to convince the Queen that Saint Dane is evil and blah.

-Bobby (in short) gets thrown into this pit thing, where he see's Press, about to eaten by some beast.

-Bobby jumps in the pit, and he does something, and the beast goes *boom*.

-Bobby and Loor go down to the tunnels, where Saint Dane is, which the walls are covered in Tak, which is basically like redstone, and a mix of TNT.

-Bobby and Loor blow up the tunnel, Loor gets knocked out, Bobby shoves Loor in mine cart, they fall out of tunnel into sea, and then wash up on the beach as the Castle crumbles into the sea.

-They climb up, and Bobby return to Second Earth, when he finds his house, his parents, and his life have been wiped off the map. Bobby now never even lived. (And you thought your life was bad.)

-Bobby then follows Press to Coral, the next territory.

So! That's about the main points in the book. I probley missed things, I haven't read the books in awhile. But I really liked the book and it's pacing, and it's a really intresting story, with parts we don't know about yet. Such as Saint Dane, the Flumes, the Territories, etc.

I rate this book, in my opion, 6/10.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Pendragon was like.. My favorite series when I was younger. I read them all the time, I suggest you continue with them, as they get better as they progress. :)


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
I gosh, I loved this series. So creative. Aw man, here I go down memory lane. ;-; my childhoooood.


Retired Staff
Pendragon was like.. My favorite series when I was younger. I read them all the time, I suggest you continue with them, as they get better as they progress. :)
Ehh, they really get muddled later on.

Saint Dane can't plan his way out of an empty field and he can see the future. Cmon.

Best one is probably the jungle one or the one with the virus.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Ehh, they really get muddled later on.

Saint Dane can't plan his way out of an empty field and he can see the future. Cmon.
When I read them, I was like.. 9 or 10, so I was really impressed at that time. :p. But yeah, it's been awhile since those books, but I liked 'em back then.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Ehh, they really get muddled later on.

Saint Dane can't plan his way out of an empty field and he can see the future. Cmon.

Best one is probably the jungle one or the one with the virus.
Yep, I was fairly dissappointed towards the end of the books. Wondering where the plot went. Granted, I was in high school and looking for solid plots everywhere.

I don't remember much, but I enjoyed the jungle one. And the future-like death games one.