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Active Jarl Freya Lonmar


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I think Freya technically became Jarl at age...

Hmm, gotta go back through my timeline of things. I think it's 15, might be 14.

If spending ~ 150 hours over the last 2 weeks playing grand strategy games has taught me anything it is: When you are 16 you are fit to rule!
I thought I saw you lurking around 'ere somewhere. :heart:


Non sum qualis eram
Please forgive me, for the reasons expressed by Mokwar and my own eye strain I'm going to remove that particular image - sorry.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Some fairly significant changes to relations.

Note: it is about as concise as I could get it while still making sense, and the reality is still a lot more complicated.

The biggest point to note is that this loosely reflects how Freya consciously views other people (consciously, you'll note, not the same thing as rationally). Some more subconscious opinions are often very deliberately ignored, whereas others are allowed to solidify into clearer, chosen views. Long story short, she evaluates people in a very controlled way. This adds to the mix the caveat that it is not always true to what she may really or subconsciously believe.

Another complication is the fact that the scale of how much one is liked does not necessarily correlate with how much one is trusted, and therefore notable oddities may be listed in multiple sections. Some who perhaps should be are not. Again, see above.

Similarly, the degrees of trust are also somewhat circumstantial. While one person may be trusted with some things, they might be exactly the opposite for others. Got a person you would trust with your life, but wouldn't trust not to blurt out something you tell them in confidence?


The joys of human nature, huh?

Another way of explaining this would be through the medium of my dear cat. I would, in a passive sense, trust my cat with my life. I would not trust my cat to actively attempt to protect my life if I were endangered. I would not trust my cat with a small child. I would actively distrust my cat with, say, a gerbil, or a fish, or my toes.

Same principle applies to people, though I hope that most characters would be able to responsibly handle a gerbil without cause for concern.


Legend of Altera
I thought she was just, seventeen you know what i mean? And the way she looked was way beyond comp- a -aaaare

Seriously- wasn't she 17 not too long ago? XD