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Finished Journey to Kavdek


Lord of Altera
I've had some predictions on how this will go.
A: Tomb Raider or Pirates of the Caribbean like where the boat crashes and we're all being chased around by crazy tribal Nakam huntsmen.
B: Have a fun adventure through some ruins, jungle, and maybe get to put some Nakam in a zoo to make sure they don't go extinct-... I mean say hello.
C: Nakam pirates in a steampunk ship with mounted machine guns on it manage to cripple our ships and hold us for ransom.

It'll most likely be B but hey there's a possibility for C right? RIGHT?!
D. Jishrim.... Always jishrim


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Just curious, has anyone actually made a map for Kavdek yet? @Deash12 @Michcat

The island is massive in its' self, for starters. To compare, its nearing the size of our main "continent".

On the southern point of Kavdek there is a fierce mountain range, with its own very special place in lore. Most of the island is covered in icy, snowy jungle tundra- On the North-East side of Kavdek, there lies the Port City of Verbali, practically the only contact with the strange Eastern Furless (you guys. Kavdek is to the west of you).
Along the Eastern coast several Keshvadiik camps reside, Dwarves of a nearby clan who hunt, kill, and war with many Nakam tribes.
The Western Coast is pretty much cliffs.


Lord of Altera
Interesting! I need to make a pact with those dwarves, nakam coats for the noble frenchmen and nakam fur robes for their wives! >;3


Lord of Altera
Interesting! I need to make a pact with those dwarves, nakam coats for the noble frenchmen and nakam fur robes for their wives! >;3
We here at the Highland Regime respect all living things...unless of course you are a cannibal and or murderer then we must decapitate you and put your head on a spike in front of our gate. :heart:


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Interesting! I need to make a pact with those dwarves, nakam coats for the noble frenchmen and nakam fur robes for their wives! >;3
Its unfortunate the Teshvadiik vanished about the same time the Nakam did, as ALL trade and communication with the Kavdek island ceased.


Lord of Altera
We here at the Highland Regime respect all living things...unless of course you are a cannibal and or murderer then we must decapitate you and put your head on a spike in front of our gate. :heart:
Sadly the Lavoyard do not hold such values, and sadly, some of our nobles see races such as Nakam or Caparii like walking coats. :I

Its unfortunate the Teshvadiik vanished about the same time the Nakam did, as ALL trade and communication with the Kavdek island ceased.
Enfer et Damnation!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Sadly the Lavoyard do not hold such values, and sadly, some of our nobles see races such as Nakam or Caparii like walking coats. :I

Enfer et Damnation!

Though I must admit I love how traditional you guys are being, its really refreshing.


Lord of Altera
Alexander Wiseeeee! He actually owns a boat... That looks... exactly the same. That boat could tag along, but im going to wait to see if my Nakat app for this event is accepted. If not, I'll provide a second boat!

Edit: Changed Nakam to Nakat. @Michcat
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Alexander Wiseeeee! He actually owns a boat... That looks... exactly the same. That boat could tag along, but im going to wait to see if my Nakam app for this event is accepted. If not, I'll provide a second boat!
Poor form, bro :p

Though @Tayohud , remind me to communicate with you as we get closer to the event-date :D